The BLOWBACK Syndrome - Official thread on aren't supposed to know.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tflga, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. [ame=]The BLOWBACK SYNDROME: Oil Wars and Overreach - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]Is Ron Paul serious? Blowback in 1979 from a 1953 coup? - YouTube[/ame]

    Blowback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    [ame=]Where does Crack Cocaine come from? This former LAPD officer knows... - YouTube[/ame]

    CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. [ame=]Pakistan After Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]
  3. #3 ArtilleryShell4, Aug 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2012
    Speaking of Ruppert i reccomend anyone new to these subjects looking to learn up on them in a proffesional manner watch Collapse by Michael Ruppert

    [ame=]Collapse by Michael Ruppert - YouTube[/ame]

    If you dont have much time i reccomend skipping to 6:00 for talk about oil and how it controls everything.

  4. After watching collapse I was shitting bricks for a month or two trying to figure out how to not go down the hole of a life without plastics. Then I realized the end of fossile fuels is going to be a beautiful thing. To my research the only thing that comes close to fossil fuels would be HEMP! Everything you make from oil you can make from hemp so there is no worry. It will shake shit up for a while but eventually people will have to come to terms that hemp is the best replacement. I know he talks about ethanol in the film but I don't believe he dove into hemp and ethanol.
  5. Sorry off topic post. Back to the blow back. This stuff counts right?

    [ame=]The US armed Iraq with bio and chemical weapons - YouTube[/ame]
  6. [ame=]Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup" - YouTube[/ame]
  7. Great appreciation guys. Lets do it up in this thread. much needed info here.
  8. [​IMG]

    can you say, blowback!?!
  9. Not a video but definitely some important material right here.

    Page 131.

    Good thread idea btw. Its good to have a singular place to open peoples minds to the corruption of governments.
  10. [ame=]Antiwar Radio 01/10/2007: Scott Horton Interviews William Lind - YouTube[/ame]

    It's interesting to note that William Lind is considered by many as basically a modern Clausewitz in terms of defining modern combat doctrine. And here is talking about how disastrous our foreign policy is.

    A good article by him:

    Parting Thoughts, for Now by William S. Lind --
  11. [ame=]The Bases Are Loaded: US Permanent Military Presence in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
  12. #12 TheDankery, Aug 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2012
    How about the US-backed death squads in El Salavdor?

    Like the Atlacatl Battalion, who we trained in "counterinsurgency tactics"?

    They were trained at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

    The Battalion was behind the killing of hundreds of people in the 1981 El Mozote Massacre.
    As Elliston writes,

    We instructed death squads to use some truly horrific torture methods against the people of El Salvador.

    Also, there was that time when the World Court ruled that the US was guilty of committing terrorism in the case of
    Nicaragua v. United States.

    Or our full support for the deaths of over 100,000 people during the time of genocide in East Timor.
  13. Just saying, around 8:00, those pakistani girls are fucking beautiful. Oh my GAW. Natural middle eastern beauty..and beautiful english.

  14. Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk

    thought i would revive this
  15. If this is all true then 9/11 is a sham and it's all our fault
  16. 911 was an inside job. Its a proven fact.

    Statists try really hard to refute the doccumentary lose change 911 but they can't because the evidence is overwhelming
  17. It's not really 'statist' to be skeptical of the loose change documentary.

    You're just throwing statist out there like it's a filler word.
  18. everyones to busy sucking satans dick to do anything about it.
  19. This thread is great! I'm learning a lot thanks guys : )

  20. Your right. I appologize

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