The Blind

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Soul Living, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. I think image ine people today preaching teaching of another to each other
    specifically regarding Yahweh and Jesus

    Supposidly peopel tdoay whom around never wtinessed nor expericned either Jesus or Yaheh - unless there are immortal being or simlar amoung us
    Yet many peopel seem to accept and appreach teaching from these enitity withotu such experince

    it is as though the blind leading the blind - those withotu experince of these being leading other to practice and follow the form and way of these being
    it is realtivley seemingly foolsihness

    as though these peope are grasping at something wich is not there - wich does not have any support or feeling or experiental evidence
    Given the realtive origin many of us supposdly have with regard to our entrance to this realm - it would seem to me those whom were here prior to us - supposdly ' - could preach to us about Zeus or Odin or a Pharoah or simlar and state they are the way

    Buddha could possibly be includinged wihtin this category

    note I comprehned some of the 'wisdom' of Yaheh and Jesus - I am simply stating that to accept and follow these being as absolute and the correct way to go seem as though incorrect - seem realtively false - given the lack of actual experince currenlty presnt represnting whom these being actually are - their 'ture' personality and character

    unedited for surfaceness

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