The Birth of a New Strain...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by buddogmutt, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. #1 buddogmutt, Feb 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2013
    White Tai Kush willl be her's step 1...The Conception....Here's my strain being see the pollen all over the top in the last pic.....


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  2. effing sweet
  3. Thanks......been a long time finding and raising a male to cross with the bubba kush...well worth the effort...thanks again!
  4. yeah I been following your progress. pretty cool man. Im just starting my grow, I gotta germ some more seeds cause the last ones i accidentally fried.
  5. Gotta love hemp facials, all kidding aside, looks good and hope you can grow some dank bud!
  6. What strains?
  7. I don't want to piss on your cornflakes but....

    that's merely crossing two strains, that's not creating one. creating a strains require many many generations of selecting desired traits and replicating them again and again until your seeds start coming out with uniform desired traits. to do this you need to grow out a lot of plants in each generation, hundreds if possible. back crossing speeds things up but you will still need tens of generations before you can call it a new strain
  8. Always like seeing what Budd is up too. How did that bud cure out from the 12/12 from seed grow? Mine are at about 4 weeks in flower right now. Liking the progress so far.
  9. good luck....i use fox farms ocean forest for my every batch....
  10. i dissagree....theses two have yet to meet according to my research...and one can go in2 the bla,bla,bla of breeding....but to create a new strain is simply introducing to plants that havent these when i have a bunch of seed of my new strain what will u say...the seeds wont grow good bud?....time will'll see then...
  11. this is my garden....i showed pics of simply making seeds and the name i gave the strain thats gonna be produced...its that not a seed bank or provider...just a very succuessful grower who's done everything but cross two ive done that...and ima call it my new strain...white tai kush...and ima grow those seeds and post it all here...its that cant take the fun out of my project with that BS u stems from envy....knowing that...makes me fell even better!
  12. i just posted my 4wk old pics yesterday...looking great! im sure yours are
  13. believe me...when the seeds are ready...ima grow the hell out of usual...Thanks
  14. Lmao, it's the "blah blah blah" that you should read properly. I'm not saying it won't grow good bud, I'm saying if both patents are pure breds and different breeds you will get F1 crosses. these will be quite uniform because they are F1s. the dominant genes will show for most traits. but they will not be even close to a separate strain, they are merely crosses.

    if you breed any of those seeds together the resulting offspring will be F2s, and these will vary like crazy, every plant will be different, as far from a strain that you can possibly get. selectively breeding certain plants that share the specific desired traits will eventually lock down the phenotypes you want over tens of generations. once you have a stable plant giving off uniform seeds you can then go ahead and call it a new strain

    yes that's it, you have crossed two strains, nothing wrong with that, infact it's the first step in the very long journey of producing a strain, but that's what you have done, crossed two strains, not made a new one. you can call your random seeds anything you want, but they will still be a cross

    I didn't want to take the fun out of it, but thought I would just enlighten you on the terms given to what you are doing.

    it's not bullshit, it's extremely basic genetics. and I can assure you it has nothing to do with envy? why would I be envious of making some seeds. it's the very thing most weed growers do their best to avoid lol

    I breed seeds regularly, and have seeds of about 8-10 generations down the line but I am far from stabilising them to the point that I would call them a new strain

    I was being polite as I could so to not hurt your feelings, that's the best I can do, I will not apologise for handing out corrections
  15. Gold grower sounds like you have vast knowledge and I do agree on the term creating a new strain. But this is how it starts there is always a chance he gets a gem. When this is done right it does involve running hundreds at a time to lock the phenos in. Good luck I will watch the thread
  16. I'm not disputing that at all, in fact I pretty much said that already. but he's saying his cross is already a new strain, all I'm saying is that he is using incorrect terms for what he's doing. he's saying it's a new strain, I'm saying its a cross, and that making a new strain requires a lot more than just picking two parents and making a few seeds

    thanks for the compliment, I studied genetics for 3 years at college, it's something I do know a bit about but I know nothing compared to a lot of people out there
  17. #17 buddogmutt, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2013
    here we go....all im doing is the one thing i havent done yet..create my own seeds...thats not going to risk my home growing 100's of plants and back crossing and all the bla,bla, not a seed provider nor am i marketing a strain for sale...if i label it making a new strain..SO BE IT....i mean to cause such a problem over my Marijuana pitiful on your here for the love and fun of growing....its not that if you dont like what i got going on or the label i put on it..STAY AWAY...YOU DONT HAVE TO BE HERE...WITH THAT BEING SAID IM DONE ON THE MATTER...IMA CALL IT WHAT I WANT TO CALL IT...
  18. What's that? Your gonna send me a mason jar full to test potency!? :smoke: :laughing:
  19. sounds like a good mix, cant wait to see how it turns out.

    just my opinion but yes it would be considered a "new" strain since something is bound to change and pick up different characteristics from both plants. they could end up completely terrible, if the most undesired traits of the plants show their faces and become a dominant trait. you never know what you are going to end up with until you grow a ton of the offspring. he could have nailed it first try and get some impressive hybrid vigor and have a combination of very pleasurable characteristics. in most cases you dont end up with what you want/expect though...which then takes many generations of selective breeding to stabilizing the characteristics you initially were going for.
  20. I'm not bagging on what your doing. what your doing is fine, I just said that crossing two strains does not give you a new strain, that just gives you a cross, nothing more. you then disagreed, so I explained the difference. I believe I explained it in very simple terms so you could easily understand, but as your calling it "blah blah blah" I can only assume you haven't understood

    either way, I cannot explain it in any simpler terms so I wish you all the luck in the world with your new cross :)

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