Okay this is gonna be the last thread i'm making for a while that has to do with government conspiracies, if you even want to call it that anymore... This video is FACTUAL stuff, not a conspiracy. I don't know what else I can possibly tell you if you watch this video, and afterwards still don't believe that ALL governments are in on this. Note, that he says in the video in the next FIVE TO TEN YEARS were gonna see a global version of nazi Germany. This might sound like it can't happen, but they have been very hidden and very specific on what agendas to carry out at certain times. It's really precise persuasion people. WAKE UP!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDUMEEl_ajM]YouTube - Secret Societies: The Bilderberg Group[/ame] Also, watch Hillary's fake, nervous laugh after asked about the Bilderberg group. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wz5ShpBAmc]YouTube - Hillary Clinton Questioned about Bilderberg[/ame] ...and i'm not even gonna say anything about Bill Clinton's nervous sweaty ass in this video. Note the face at around :22 seconds. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jmzWi_nhQg&feature=related"]YouTube - Bill Clinton admits to attending 1991 Bilderberg Meeting[/ame] We need to revolt, we need to get together and abolish this bullshit system. I'm serious about this.
I agree with most of what NWO/reptillian/illuminati theorists are saying and believe that many of the concerns they bring up are very legitimate and very much oversteps of power. That is up until they go on to say the NWO/reptillian/illuminati global control crap. There isn't a global conspiracy. There is global greed. All of these big people in power are always trying to increase their own power. It's that plain and simple. There's no organization. They are isolated individual cases of greed. It all adds up together into screwing most of the people in the world, but it's usually not intentional. They're just so isolated from the reality of the world by their "nice things" and disney image of the world, they don't realize how much harm they're doing. 50% of the world's wealth is owned by 2% of the global population Conversely, 50% of the global population own barely 1% of the world's wealth Even more sad is the fact that 20% of the global population is starving to death right now. That's not reptiles. That's sick.
He is right; TEN YEARS! I am telling you people that I believe we are ten years from total planetary Luciferian fascism that will make Nazi Germany look like a cub scout meeting in the park. All these elements that appear to have nothing in common are actually part of the 'empire' already. the Builderbergs, the Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, International Monetary Fund, Lucis Trust, United Nations, World Health Organizations, the Club of Rome, the Catholic Church, the Jesuit Order, Opus Day, The Nights of Malta, the Nights of Columbus, Freemasons, Eastern Mysticism, Scientology, the New Age Movement, Theosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, Jainism, Mormonism and all false religions, all mafias, gangs and drug cartels, all secret services, nearly every military, nearly every government, corporation or educational institution are directly under the influence of an ENTITY called LUCIFER. Think this is a joke? No boys and girls, I shit you NOT! And sometime with in the next ten years you may get the chance to meet him. Jesuits started Freemasons and Freemasons started the Mormon Church. Same signs, symbols, vocabulary, rituals and structures. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1OSFqRQyQQ]YouTube - TOTAL ONSLAUGHT 223 New Age Agenda Walter J Veith part 1[/ame]
Now I do NOT intend to make this religious. I am a Christian but I like to debate politics really. I apologise that you can not really separate the two, not my fault. Our political system is a lie that blankets religion. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld5ucrsos9E]YouTube - TOTAL ONSLAUGHT 223 New Age AgendaWalter J Veith part 2[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rErlhYl_sbM]YouTube - TOTAL ONSLAUGHT 223 New Age Agenda Walter J Veith part 3[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0cb6kFVe1M]YouTube - The Black Pope song/The Jesuit Order[/ame]
You do realise that Lucifer isn't the christian devil if that's what you're implicating. Lucifer is the name of an old Cannanite isreali god. Along with all of the other Cannanite gods, the monotheistic church declared they were all heathen deviations of Satan himself. And the fact that you say all "false religions" in your reasoning already negates everything you say. There are other religions and other beliefs. Just because the catholics were brutal enough to kill off all other christian sects in the early days and then conquer most of the world does not make Christianity the "True religion"
Same signs is not indicitave of an evil conspiracy but rather the side effect of the fact that these symbols are just that--symbols. They have a symbolic meaning and a history with them. When an organization uses symbolism as a means to express the ideas and goals of their organization, it doesn't mean that they are the same organization as another that uses the symbol. It means they believed the symbol fit into what they were saying. That's the point of a symbol.
The ruling "superclass" of the world are meeting and planning an agenda every year, this seems much more comprehensive than just "isolated" cases of greed. These people arent just wealthy, they have global power and influence. Much of our history books are bullshit and dumbed down through political pressure in the publishing companies and our curriculums focus almost soley on trivial facts rather than underlying reasons and causes of events. Our mainstream media is owned by a half dozen corperations and pump out suggestive garbage to the masses as a form of "world view" propaganda that was pioneered by the Nazis. Speaking of the Nazis, the organization was funded in part by a bank directed by Prescott Bush. IBM's first computer was a punchard system used to catagorize people in the concentration/death camps. The german people even used american companys' factories as bomb shelters because our gov ordered our pilots to avoid them as targets even if they were supporting Hitler's war machine. After WWII a number of Nazi scientists were brought to the US through operation Paperclip and went on to help start NASA as well as work for the CIA. If you objectivly look at the evidence of 911, there is a good argument that at the very least we were lied to. Common sense alone, it is fairly obvious that a commercial plane didnt hit the pentagon. As for us "conspiracy theorists." Why is it that anyone that tries to ask questions or think for themselves is immedialely labeled as "paranoid conspiracy theorists" and discreditied? It may be becuase our media has indocrinated people to think that way through repetitive suggestion or "soft brainwashing" techniques. Now the dollar has a very good chance of collapsing (look up petrodollar), our national debt is reaching unserviceable levels, the Federal Reserve is a scam and a useless institution that undermines free market economics, our rights are quickly evaporating (free speach zones anyone) becuase of this constant "terrorist" threat that is pumped out of the media and our youth is being set up to be mindless consumer drones by overbearing advertising and garbage thats fed to them on TV as well as our useless education system. Things are far to interconnected to be discredited as individual greed. That may be true for many CEO's and wealthy people. However the people at the very top hold great power and have influence in almost every aspect of our life from politics to education to the health of our economy. The elite have the capacity to form a system of global control, mainly through the UN and the American Empire (Yes we are a global empire). Is it too much of a stretch to think that these people might exercise this capacity to control the world? It has happened before, the East India Trading company was behind much of the British empire that spanned the globe. Who is to say that such an empire, or a greater and more tightly controlled one cannot be covertly constucted again?
No dude; your wrong. Your lack of reasoning negates everything you say. How can you be an authority on Lucifer? You don't even know what the Bible says about him. I got it from many sources who are. I'll repeat "all false religions"....
And again. I agree with everything your saying. I am well aware of George W's granddaddy's involvement with the nazis, the 911 inconsistencies, and a very firm believer in the American Empire and the Huxley press. I believe I've even actually talked on this very forum about all 4 quite often. Yes, America's armies are controlled by subvertive corporate interests and our money system is a sham to ensure the power of few. However, as I said before in this post, You lose me once you move on to the Reptilian/NWO/Satan/Illuminati/"insert overlord race here" is controlling all sides of it argument. Those in power are only serving themselves. I don't think it takes a huge conspiracy to believe that these people are treating life as if it is was some sort of sick game of Civilization. They are all using each other for their own goals and interest and cooperation only lasts as long as its useful.
Ummm....I've read the bible. I don't know what that does to your theory or whatnot, but I'm not some sort of heathen and have no authority on religous matters and the word of the bible if that's what you were implicating And by the way, the word Lucifer wasn't put into it until the 4th century AD when new translations by Saint Jerome were introduced. Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. Hmmm........Morning Star.....Jesus.....Jesus is Satan also!!!!! By golly, you've shown me the truth here. Your logic is outstanding
i find it hilarious that anyone born during my generation can consider themselves an expert on a character such as lucifer enough with the conspiracy theories, im sick of the illuminati threads and shit, i don't even know what they are and if it takes you an entire essay length response to explain to me what the illuminati are, then that means it's a conspiracy
Lol; yeah sorry man. I do that all the time out of habit. Just like the way I snatch lighters and get the doobie wet.
You can call him Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, Beelzebub, Baal, Baphomet, Allah, Maitreya, Seth or Quetzalcoatl for all I care. Some even call him the Christ. He will answer you under many names. It doesnt matter what name you call him by; he is the same creature. You call him and he will answer. You worship him and he will give you power. You sacrifice people to him and he will give you great power like the Bilderbergs. You sell him to the masses and he will make you a 'star'. Lucifer is a Latin word; , meaning "Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"). The KJV is partially translated from the Latin Vulgate and you know who had their hands on that. In any event it is a title.
Looking at those videos maxrule it seems like the main teaching of freemasonry is that man can become like God, or Godlike. When Al Gore is calling for a global conscience to be reached to solve the global warming crisis, doesn't this all tie together, the new age movement or whatever you want to call it has seized the environmental movement and wants nothing else than what is written on the georgia guidestones.
Right. And your entire theory is based on the idea of Satan, the truth in the bible(both creations by organizations you seem to decry) and the idea that the end of man/world will be a religous one. Which are ideas I find false and only further indicative of your belief that there is only one right answer. That belief is exactly where most of our global problems you use to justify yours stem from. Do you see what I mean? The One Way is what you both preach against and for. How does that work? You are only serving to further entrench us into our manipulative ways and New World Order.
Yes; you nailed it dude! This is the same lie out of the book of Genesis and modern people believe it. I assume they do believe it because contact has been made and genuine gifts of power have been given. This is essentially the same lie as the Al Gore global warming scam. Gaia is mother Earth. That is just like worshiping the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. They will use the global warming crisis to justify the deaths of millions, perhaps billions. Deep down inside you all know that it is coming. Hey; you just can't make this stuff up!