The Big Bang Theory - and Time

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by METARON, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. How long ago did the Big Bang happen? Was it 13, 14 billion years ago?

    That's a huge amount of time to even comprehend.

    So many events have taken place since the beginning of time - events that would leave an observer with a feeling like no other.

    Have you ever witnessed two planets collide with each other in front of your eyes?

    How about witnessing the formation and creation of our solar system?

    These events would leave one speechless if witnessed.
    And these are just a taste of events that would blow you away if you ever saw them.

    I would imagine that solar system creation and planetary collisions were common throughout our expansion that We call our 13.5 billion-year-old universe.
    Let me write 13 billion with all of its zeros: 13,000,000,000.

    Try to imagine an enormous stretch of time. Something like:


    Something was happening then, right?
    Was that moment even comprehensible?
  2. 13.798 billion years ago.
  3. Also the English billion is different to the American billion. English is 1 million million. American is 1 thousand million.
  4. Numbers aside, can you even begin to imagine what was going on such a long time ago?

    What's even crazier is that everything happened is such a way where you came in to existence.

    You've been in the making for quite a while.
  5. Ya I came from star dust blah blah

  6. That's true. I'm not trying to shed light on that fact, though.

    What I'm trying to do is get you to imagine a distant amount of time. One that goes way beyond the Big Bang.

    Something had to have been there, right?
  7. #7 Darwinnaboid, Apr 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
    I can't even comprehend what's could be happening in the universe now nevermind then!

  8. Well, then this thread is definitely not for you.

    But if you're willing to gain a better understanding, then I'm here and willing to think about with you.
  9. I have a huge understanding. Which is exactly why I can't comprehend it!
  10. I wish you could though. Then you would be able to contribute to a better understanding to this idea of mine on this thread.
  11. The andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away yet we can see it with the naked eye. It is a Milky Way similar to ours and that is the only way we know what our galaxy looks like as no one has seen it. Imagine if that's how beings on the andromeda galaxy know what there's looks like by looking at ours.

    Space and time blows my mind. Once you know a certain amount Its hard to talk about it. Lol.

  12. Ha ha, yeah it is! I try talking to people about this subject, but they look at me like I'm talking about kiddy pron.

    And yeah, the idea of life, existence and consciousness always blows me away.
  13. If you've not heard of it look up the drug DMT. Also blows minds lol.
  14. Time for another bang
  15. With all the talk with time and the big bang, if the big bang created the spacetime continuum was there time before the expansion of the big bang?
  16. Time is just something we humans have come up with , time is irrelevant , I think there are millions of other universes and when our Big Bang happened , other universes saw it and just thought it was solar flares or something, those universes at that time were just like us humans but throughout those millions of years became what we would call space Aliens. Therefor everything has just been, starts and ends and does It again.

  17. Why would it be limited to millions?
  18. 1 million is a pretty big number, but then again space is infinite. So I guess you're correct, it shouldn't be limited to millions, it wouldn't even be billions, trillions, it's infinite.

  19. If it's anything, infinite seems the most logical to me.
  20. Once spaceships can travel at infinite speeds, I believe that's when time travel will be possible. Just throwing that in, I'm baked so my mind is getting all deep in thought on this haha

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