My friend and I were watching this show right after a smoke sesh the other day, I didnt laugh a single time. How can a show this shitty have any fans?
I can't say whether or not you understand it. I can say there is a high probability you don't because there is a multitude of quirky jokes/side humor in every episode. Maybe you don't get it, you got a lemon of an episode, or you just don't like to think when you watch t.v. I mean, that's what books are for right?
Hell yes it's a fucking HORRENDOUS show. And yes, I understood everything they were talking about. The Indian dude that's on there (no clue what his name is) was on The Nerdist the other day and was commenting about how he doesn't think he's funny and all I could do was nod my head. One of the panelists seemed really fucking creeped out by the guy too haha. It's almost...almost as bad as How I Met Your Mother
I watched about 3 seasons of it and it wasn't bad. But after watching it blazed so much I slowly started to point out the flaws in the characters. It was a decent show I guess but after a while the humor gets old. The background laughter annoyed the shit out of me. I'm surprised I managed to even watch 3 seasons lol. I can't watch That 70s Show because of the background laughter. Simply ruins a show for me no matter how good.
It used to be okay the first bit of time I started watching it. But it got old fast and now I sorta hate it haha. It was never laugh out loud funny either, just enough to hold my interest. Penny is hot as fuck though
Can't stand that show. I understand the "humor" perfectly fine,but it just isn't funny imo. From hearing everybody I know talk about how fucking great it was,I was incredibly let down and now hate the show with a passion.
My room-mate would religiously watch this show...I told them how i met your mother was way more hilarious, they ignorantly disagreed. Now they watch every fuckin episode of HIMYM on my netflix account. not my type of humor.......cartoon network shows are exceptionally better than this.
couldn't stand it did enjoy a clip someone once showed me with Leonard Nimoy playing the voice of a Spock action figure in someone's dream...or was that a different show? i don't watch much t.v besides Breaking Bad and that's what netflix is for
How I met Your Mother is a great show you have terrible taste. Big Bang Theory is pretty funny nothing like Seinfeld, but it does make me laugh. Maybe it's because I know someone like Sheldon and if you don't like Sheldon you won't like the show. Besides if it's a bad episode at least you can look at Penny.
I'm a homo I have no reason to look at Penny And there's no need to say "you have terrible taste" when somebody doesn't agree with something you like. I didn't come in here and say "hell yeah man everybody who likes that show has fucking awful taste." Differences are what make the world go round eh?
I like thinking when I watch TV. I don't like Big Bang Theory at all. To me, it's just a sitcom made to cater to the "nerdy" crowd. "OMG, I understood that reference! Hilarious!!" But the absolute worst part to me is the goddamn laugh track. It makes it completely unwatchable for me. Take this first random clip off of YouTube for example... [ame=]The Big Bang Theory - Penny's Christmas gift to Sheldon - YouTube[/ame] "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas" "How's your leg?" "Very good, thanks for asking, come on in" *HAHAHAHAHAHA* "Oh good, Penny, you're here to exchange gifts" *HAHAHAHAHAHA* "You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer" *HAHAHAHAHAHA* Seriously?
Eh, it's okay. At first I thought it was stupid, but it's alright now. Haven't watched too many episodes, though. There are better shows, but I can watch it.
I'm not saying you have terrible taste because you dissagree with me I'm saying you have terrible taste because well you said How I Met Your Mother is bad that says to me in enlgish "I have terrible taste". Nuff said.