The Best Comic Ever

Discussion in 'General' started by 420-024-, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 420-024-, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    I really read one comic but it's one of the greatest one ever..Calvin & Hobbes. Philosophy with a comedic touch (and pure comedy) from the mind of a 6 year old. It's strait crack to the mind. :hello:

    Anyways post your favorite comic here if you read em.

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  2. really no one huh???

    Feels good to be one of a kind o_O
  3. lol. free post or what?
  4. Best comic ever is Archie man. (If you read them anyone notice some naughty things in em from time to time)

    I go take a shit and read one all high and laugh my ass off. I been readin em since I been dating my girlfriend she had like 200+

    Garfield is pretty good too.
  5. Ill take a look at it (never read it before).

    What is it about?
  6. Yeah Calvin and Hobbes rules.

    That and Garfield, I read like every Garfield ever, twice.
  7. Garfield seemed boring to me on tv but i guess the comic would be a lot better

  8. lmfao

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