The Bern over Trump?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Feathertop_2064, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. You don't think they are biased and have a defined purpose to put the best light on favorable rhetoric?

    There are no steaks or vodka for sale there.

    Show me a single Wiki citation that I have used here.
    (Star note 16, subject still trying to distract and has no sources for claims).
  2. I read the first few posts so I'm not sure if anyone has made this point. Let's assume it's Trump vs Clinton this fall. Both are in favor of medical marijuana at the least and are hesitant to take a position on recreational.

    This should be a boost for all down ballot state initiatives/amendments regardless of what either of these fools do in the White House.

    If the majority of these initiatives pass, it could be a tipping point for many other states to get on board and for the federal government to take an even more hands off approach .

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  3. Trump is not very clear on recreational use.

    Here’s Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands On Marijuana Legalization

    Donald Trump

    “We’re losing badly the war on drugs. You have to legalize drugs to win that war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars,”Trump declared in 1990. His views have changed over the past quarter century, emphasizing the role of states in marijuana reform and backing away from total legalization.

    “I think medical should happen — right? Don’t we agree? I think so. And then I really believe we should leave it up to the states,” Trump said told a Nevada in 2015. But the Republican front-runner disapproves of the Colorado model of legalizing marijuana for recreational use. MPP gave Trump a C+.

  4. Is it not fair to assume that at this point Sanders will lean towards the green from a standard hippy perspective, while Trump will do whatever generates him/the government/his business partners the most cash?

    Sanders will stay liberal on this and any and all states that near recreational legal status will have his support. Should Trump get elected he'll no longer need shock value to boost his brand. He won't go against the grain any more than he has to, to guarantee maximum profit for whatever venture he's engaged in, personal or presidential. If the tax revenue from the legal states remains a solid figure, I don't see him declaring that money invalid and deciding to pass on it in the future.

    Still think it's Hildo's game . 'Merica is terrified of a Socialism it doesn't understand, and Trump is not worshiping at the PC altar with the main herd so they won't elect him.
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  5. 'Merica is such an overused slander. Socialism doesn't work unless you want to live in a cubicle. Why are people so willing to believe the government knows what's best for them. Does debt mean nothing? Stop looking to the government to solve your problems. Libertarians is the true people's party.

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  6. ''Merica" seems fairly accurate in today's times considering the gravity of the US of A in terms of influence and effect on the rest of the globe. The creators of South Park encompassed it more colorfully with "'Merica, Fk Yeah!" Anyone living in the US is well aware of the nature of exceptionalism and national dominance that reigns throughout it. It's obviously not everyone, but anyone semi-aware who lives in the US is aware of its presence. This is also true for many other countries, but "many other countries" aren't the world leader and the magnifying/media lens is not on them 25/8

    I'd hold back a bit on definitive "Socialism doesn't work" statements considering how well the current model-state of Capitalism is doing. At this point it seems clear that both systems need fine tuning. The big difference is that Socialism learned this lesson from the fall of Communism, while Capitalism took that same event as a "We were completely right all along."
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  7. #47 Twice-a-year, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    Capitalism in America has been corrupted because of corporate socialism and both sides only function to protect their donors interests and to maintain power. Real competition in the market place is a farce these days. The US also has no business being the world's police and the founding fathers said as much. Both right and left have interests they are trying to protect and they are not the interests of citizens.

    Want to know why college and healthcare are so expensive? It's the government. Why do we spend so much on defense? Government. Why are minorities persecuted? Government.

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  8. I agree with parts of your post. It is a point of view I've heard for years from a very good friend of mine so I find a lot of it easy to agree with. The unaddressed issue in the libertarian view is the fact that the "good" American capitalism that preceded this corruption, is what led to the corruption in the first place.

    There is a noble notion of a free working market where everyone plays ball and everyone prospers. Humanity however, has proven monkey-too-much when given this freedom. It created wolves and a modern day caste system of haves and have nots. Many educated, well to do people who raise their children with love, are ok with that.

    I don't advocate Socialism because I want a government that acts like the mind for unknowing flocks. I advocate for more socialist leaning government because I do in fact want humanity to be governed. I just want it to be governed by just, intelligent, and kind ideals. Like....actually. That version you think too naive for reality. That one.
    *pause for sympathy aww

    *the mom gets shot

    I still genuinely believe we can function in an optimum capacity and create a heaven on Earth for humanity. While I lack the power or standing to do anything major about it at this point, I can see how these things can be achieved. A major staple would be that the species as a whole gets to exist in the upper echelon of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. If we are suffering, we are not thinking. If we are not thinking, we are not progressing to the best of our potential capacity. A dog-eat-dog capitalist environment does not seem to benefit a large percentage of the population. This isn't opinion, this is math. It hardly matters how much head a Donald Trump can get on a private jet for "working really hard", when places like Chicago's South Side resemble Mogadishu. The contrast of these two living in the same nation seems absurd.

    This is however the key difference in humanity's nature. Do you care about the group or about yourself? The question at this point seems as utilitarian as it is moral. Whatever choice one makes, there are others supporting it and you will be confirmed.
  9. I agree that there must be checks but when u ask how we got to this point, it's because people in power were willing to allow it at the benefit of their own standing.

    I'll bring it back to a marijuana perspective.
    - a socialist/democrat/republican government has to believe marijuana isn't bad for society or the individual in general and probably agree with it on a personal anecdotal level in order to legalize it.

    A libertarian government merely has to believe marijuana doesn't allow one person to victimize another. Beyond that, it's not the role of government to decide even if they completely disagree with it.

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  10. Donald Trump can get abducted by aliens and probed for the rest of his life for all I care. Fuck him and his stupid xenophobic followers who only care about themselves. AFAIAC Trump as president means civil war is on. I won't speak on this any more.
  11. #51 Z0rK, Apr 28, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    How progressive of you. It's funny watching the far left continue to piss and moan about how hateful <insert X group we don't agree with> is, yet they are the biggest agitators and propagators of hate. Protesting chalk writings and other first ammendment rights at every turn, you are the embodiment of anti-freedom. Examples such as blocking traffic, hurling obscenities at the supporters of other canidates and pepper spraying innocent children when democracy doesn't work in favor of your views, only proves that your version of "freedom" ends where your individual opinion begins.

    The whole "Rights for me but not for thee" thing is getting old. However, I happen to respect your constitutional rights as a fellow American and would never stand in the way of those rights which allow you to speak your mind freely, no matter how silly I think your misguided views may be. As far as your super edgy comment regarding civil war goes, I'll just assume you're too young or too naive to fully understand what that would really mean for the American life, comforts and standards we've all become comfortable enjoying; For if you truly understood the perils of war, this would not be something you wished or wanted.
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  12. Righhhht
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  13. O.P. Is a paid Trump troll who stalks various forums inserting Trumpaganda like a bot fly laying eggs in its victims. :/
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  14. I hereby announce the discovery of a new troll species. The Trump Troll a.k.a Trull. Say hello to our first Trull, GC. We have been deemed worthy of Trumpaganda. I don't know whether to cry or shit myself. O. O
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  15. Hillary is the only reason I would vote for trump. She is going to motivate many people just like me which is scary to the people on the left.

    Weed is not on the top of my list of requirements for voting either. Would I like the govt to wake up, hell yeah.

    I cannot figure for the life of me how Kasich was not deemed a more reasonable choice. Oh well politics pisses me so let me get the kids ready for soccer.

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  16. Just a reminder...

  17. Yeah, that has been a detriment to America, yet somehow we still overcome those obstructionists blocking the process.

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  18. Late to the party but:

    Trump is okay with medical, wants states to decide on recreational.

    Bernie wants the it completely descheduled.

    Which one sounds better for cannabis?
  19. Trump because hes got an actual shot in hell at becoming POTUS
  20. You have to little faith in our justice system.(not that there's any reason not to, it's pretty shitty most of the time)

    Just today Hilary was proven to have

    A: lied about turning over all her work related emails, since Huma Abedin turned over some today thanks to a FOIA, so there's definite perjury.

    B: in those emails, there was proof of the suspicion that she uses the Clinton Foundation for money laundering (and not wishy washy maybe there's a connection, I mean it was right there in the email)

    Not to mention the FBI has granted the guy who set up the server immunity in exchange for his testimony, extradited Guccifer, who has stated he hacked her server, and saw foreign IPs viewing it (meaning she got hacked by more than just him).

    So her private server, which she used to avoid FOIA requests (which is legally grey at best), had above top secret classified intelligence on it, was hacked by foreign agents.

    But wait it gets better!

    There was a back up of the server she didn't know about in the cloud, which had an additional 30000 emails she wiped (what with a cloth?) That she claimed under oath, we're just personal and not business related. They were recovered by the FBI. If even one of those 30K was business, that's another count of perjury.

    I'm not done yet. For the emails she handed over, she gave them to her lawyers to see which were business related, and to delete the personal ones, as they weren't relevant. She gave her lawyers full access to above top secret information inadvertently, as there WAS classified info in those emails they looked over. Not sure the term for that, but it's illegal to give non cleared people access to classified info, and the lawyers were not cleared.

    She fucked up, all that's left, is whether or not she covered enough up to use "rich people are above the law" loopholes. I don't think she did, I think the FBI is gonna get her, and if they do it just right, she can be charged with Espionage.

    Then it'll be Bernie v Trump, and 2016 will go down as the best fucking election cycle in US history/the rise of the anti-establishment.

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