The beginning of creation

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by AresKenux, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. I believe i saw a lot of history through the eyes of Azazel "Satan, the devil" I recall a lot of memories, starting from when Azazel first received his gifts from God after the end of the apocalypse of the earth age. When he received his gifts from God during the bliss of the heaven age. At the start of the heaven age, he was humble and wise, he did temple service, he played his guitar, and enjoyed nature in heaven. He had everything he loved when he was on earth. He practiced his 7-string guitar almost everyday. After awhile he became an expert at it, and started developing some crazy music and began to be disobedient in his mind and prideful. Angels used to admire his music, it was beautiful. What used to go through his mind is that the mind loves being deceived, and that music that catches you off guard was grand. He got bored of the guitar and asked for a violin, God gave it to him, he adapted to it and created some more beautiful music. He even joked how if he was still on earth he would've accidentally broke a string. He got bored of the violin and asked for a harp. God didn't allow that because he knew that all that Azazel wanted now was to be glorified for his expertise on music. So Azazel threw a fit. Events led up to where Azazel asked God to restore the earth as it was, and to recreate life on earth, because he admired the beauty of it. So God did. God put all the angels to sleep, and reformatted heaven and the physical universe. God talked with Azazel who was unconscious, asking Azazel how he remembered things, the sun, the earth, nature. Life was created. Azazel was free to roam the earth. While many angels were waiting to be born through women, and some angels were allowed to view the earth from heaven. Life began to form through evolution. Until finally Adam and Eve arrived, Azazel was excited, but he couldn't approach them because God put a barrier around them to protect them from Azazel because Adam and Eve were innocent and righteous. God ordered Adam and Eve not to partake of the tree of knowledge because in the day they do, they would not be eternal on earth, they would be liable to die. But Eve was curious, and came up to Azazel. Azazel saw her beauty and remembered how good woman was, and tempted her to have sex. They had sex, and she became pregnant with Cain. When Eve was done, she went up to Adam and taught him how to have sex, she then became pregnant with Abel. The tree of knowledge for Adam was Eve. The tree of knowledge for Eve was Azazel and Adam. To partake with the tree of knowledge is to have sex, not to eat an apple.

    That is the story of the beginning of creation. See i believe time loops itself, and we relive this moment many times. That creation happens over and over again. That destruction happens over and over again. I believe that there is no hell, that time on earth can be considered hell. God does not send anyone to hell, He destroys them and they're forgotten. I believe there are two ages that loop. The time of life in heaven, the time of life on earth. The end of the first(heaven age) is the start of the second(earth age), the end of the second(earth age) is the start of the first(heaven age).

    What is your thoughts on this?
  2. that was a cool read , iv read something similar to this in the past , and i agree about how there is no hell , its a state of mind during life.
  3. The yin yang symbol seems to represent history as well. During the time of yin, which would be the earth age, the seed of positive revolution exists, which would be Jesus Christ. During the time of yang, which would be the heaven age, the seed of negative revolution exists, which would be Azazel or Satan.

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