The Athiests Afterlife

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TheCruz831, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. It's just an idea. I almost died about a month ago, if the impact on my head was an inch to the right I'd probably be dead right now. I don't have DP/DR, I was just thinking, that would be weird as shit if when you die, you just keep on living as if you almost died.
    Obviously I don't believe this, and it sounds even more ridiculous when I see it written, but hey, it's a possibility.
  2. I think about that kind of shit a lot... Like we're living in some kind of delusion. 
    When I first started reading I thought it was going to be one of those conversion stories.... I was very happy to be wrong. Those stories are always annoying. 
  3. The whole idea is to cherish this life and every second hereafter because after this you're going to be a composting pile of gooey proteins.  Its actually funny in a way, what took millions of years of evolution rots away with relative ease. I often wonder about the mentality of people that believe there's an afterlife, after having failed to live their best life now, they then expect to have an eternity to kick around and do something they were to cowardly or preoccupied to do?  C'mon...  Live now, be now, find out what you love and do it.  Don't defer your life to the mists of a delusional....
    This assumes that everyone who is open to the idea that death is not the end has failed to live life as best as they can.
  6. #6 esseff, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2013
    It is, and why not? If we actually live a multi-dimensional life, then all possibilities exist at the same time. Instead of changing the outer, which doesn't exist, we change the inner, so we might literally shift from one parallel reality to parallel reality constantly. So in one reality you might have died, whereas in another you continue as you are. This could explain what happens when those of us here see what is left of the you that dies in this reality, but for you, reality simply carries on 'somewhere else'.
    What if like some Inception shit were to occur, and you lived the rest of your life as if you just barely avoided death only to die and wake up seconds before your actual body death... yeah I should leave the bong alone awhile i think

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