The actual costs of pharmeceuticals

Discussion in 'General' started by Poisongage, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. #1 Poisongage, Jan 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2009
  2. Am I stoned or is that really hard to read?
  3. No you're not ( probably are stoned :D).

    I've fixed it.
  4. Lol. Just click the photo...
  5. Yeah but how many millions did they spend on research and developing the drug?

    And how are they supposed to continue research if you expect them to give away their product?

    I'd be more pissed at industries like the diamond industry. Diamonds are intrinsically worthless, but we're compelled to spend thousands on them...leading to war and violence over the diamond mines. I mean at least pharmaceuticals serve a purpose.
  6. Now now Kramer boy, easy on the aggro, no need to get bold.
  7. I mean, as fucked up as the 27,000% markups are, can anything else be expected?
  8. Ya come on Kramer :p

    Attached Files:

  9. Look man, you got it all wrong. They only spend millions of dollars developing pharmeceuticals to make money off of people. There is not a single cure in the catalogue of pills and poisons that the pharmeceutical industry will sell you. There are only what i call "prolongers". Pills that takes your attention away from your original problem, while creating a host of new ones, that other pills can "help". Substances and chemicals that are used in cancer and HIV/AIDS treatment, that speed up the diseases instead of preventing them.

    And you talk about the diamond industry. I don't know any specific figures, but i am certain that the pharmeceutical industry kills more people each year than the diamond business does.

    And off topic, diamonds are not worthless, they are among the hardest substances on the earth and is used for much more than just jewelry.

    The purpose you speak of is rotten and malicious.
  10. Kramer always types in bold.
  11. Well that's hardly an excuse now isn't it ? :smoke:

  12. And how much money are they spending on advertising and courting doctors? How many millions of dollars are their CEO's earning every year?

    I purchased Xanax in India at approximately $.03 a pill. The same ones cost be over $2 each in the US.

    It's robbery.
  13. Well, shit, I thought you were making a simple (if not misguided) point about economics and greed. I didn't realize you were espousing an opinion that medications poison people deliberately.

    There are pills and medications that do cure and prevent diseases. Diseases that were once commonplace like tuberculosis and polio have been virtually eradicated throughout the world. What about the miracle of penicillin?

    Medicines by their very nature are designed to change the way the body is operating. It runs its risks. Of course some medicines sometimes have unintended effects. The question is whether or not you want to live a short, painful life and die at 30 years old like they did in the Middle Ages. Thanks to modern medicine human life expectancy is at its longest in history.

    And what are you talking about with the HIV/AIDS crap? When AIDS was first recognized in the late '70s, you lived like one or two years tops. Now you can live like another ten to fifteen years. For a terminal illness with no known cure, that's pretty remarkable.
  14. Not to mention lobbying to keep our sacred plant oppressed.
  15. fucked up shit

    we need to regulate the pharm companies, i say
  16. Done and done

  17. Penicillin comes from a fungus. It is not man made, only synthesized by the pharmeceutical industry. All cures that have worked (without killing or disabling the patient) come from nature. Plants and funghi etc.

    Are you suggesting that it is because of the pharmeceutical industry that we live to grow older than 30 ? And that the humans during the middle age died at such a young age because we didn't have modern medicine? Then you are very ignorant. Modern medicine has nothing to do with our life expectancy. That has something to do with the evolution of our way of life, not modern medicine.

    The AIDS crap that i was talking about, are the chemicals the some AIDS patients have been treated with that have sped up the decay of the immune system.
  18. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is a fucking joke. They don't regulate the pharmaceutical industry, they allow them to poison the people they sell pills to.
  19. This chart illustrates how life expectancy in the United States has doubled in the past hundred years. Other than cars, what would you say improved our way of life in such a significant way as to double our lifespan!? The industrial revolution alone didn't eradicate disease, in fact the cramped, dimly-lit factories and tenement houses of the 1800s exacerbated the spread of diseases.


    Which patients? When? Where? Just because you assert a point doesn't make it valid. On the whole, thanks to medication like the AIDS cocktail, people with the disease are living demonstrably longer.
  20. and do you know how many millions of dollars and how many years they spend trying to make that drug? for like 5 years they're just researching it and trying to get it up to standards and testing and retesting

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