The 5th dimension?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Serial Bowl, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. I believe, there is a “God”(Creator of the universe) in the sense that, something somehow had to create this universe. And since science states that nothing can create nor destroy itself, then something somehow had to create the Universe. But why does it matter? It doesn't. What matters, is what's next. What is next? We don't know. If the past doesn't matter, and we don't know what's next; what is the reason of now? The reason of now is to shape the future. But when does the now meet the future at a 0-point. Most, simply when the universe ends. But we don't know when, or even if, it will. So we make the, personal assumption, that it ends when we end. Death. But how do we know that there is no afterlife or that there is? Again we simply, don't know. But we could ponder the thought of: We are the fifth dimension. What I mean by this is, we "know" of 4 dimensions: length, width, depth, and spacetime. But could our minds be the 5th dimension? Think of this theory with a very open mind: If you look at our universe, you will easily notice that everything worked perfectly over billions of years for us to become what we are; Humans. One thing is for certain about us, no matter how the universe came into existence, it was for us. (All living organisms, we just happened to be the most advanced on our planet.) If there are other planets with beings of reasoning or a "mind," then they too fit into this theory. What happens at birth, given this theory were true, would be that our minds come into a body, through some sort of transgression of the 5th dimensional "space," into the 4-dimensional space we perceive. Whilst "trapped" (The thought here is that, once our minds reach our new bodies at birth, our mind fuels our body to stay alive, whilst at the same time our mind CAN'T leave our bodies until the brain is completely shut off (The brain has a "stranglehold over the mind" via a 5th dimensional force that basically won't allow the mind to leave, but that force disperses once the body is "shut off")) in our bodies we learn. We learn through experience. We learn how to communicate to one another. We learn what emotion is. And, as controversial as this may be, we learn who we are. Now at death, I propose this: Our minds (Now fully developed with emotion and thought and analysis and reasoning and everything that has to do with the mind) go back into that 5th dimension.

    After writing my thoughts I realized, I just reworded the same thoughts of every religion that has an afterlife... The only difference would be that once in the fifth dimension, it is 100% unfathomably free. But here's the thing, in religion, the after life is a place. In my proposed theory, the afterlife is an infinite state of being. (all this talk of not knowing scares me, but what scares me even more, no matter what theory that is proposed, I know in the back of my head that we will never know.)
  2. I've never been a religious person but like everyone else I've always tried to figure out what the real point of life is. My conclusion is pretty much the exact same as this post. Our consciousness and everything it creates for us (dreams, thoughts, emotion) has never even been proven to exist yet we all know we have it. NDE's have been proven to occur while people have been declared clinically brain dead. Anyone who has ever had a powerful conscious experience has said they want to change their life for the better and they feel a connection with everything around them. Personally I believe this world is how our consciousness is born and shaped through experience so that when we pass on we'll be more stable and understanding. At the very least this belief allows me to follow the life lessons and change-for-the-better motto's out there.

  3. That was literally, exactly what I was thinking.
  4. #4 jeongmaljohaseo, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2012
    Well, you seem to be confused about what a dimension is. To say the mind is a fifth "dimension" makes as much sense as saying maybe this coke can is the last musical chord of this song I'm listening to.

    A dimension is a degree of freedom within a vector space, like x, y, z, and t. A vector space is a collection of mathematical objects, vectors, which satisfy a bunch of common arithmetic axioms called the Peano axioms. This sounds quite complicated but is actually very simple; it's just all the foundational assumptions you already learned as a kid about math, like a=a, a + (-a) = 0, etc.

    Now, x, y, and z axes are the familiar spatial dimensions. t is time. All four exist theoretically as number lines in a void, with values strung across them. (on t for instance, values like 2 seconds, 5 years, etc.) So what values, possible measurements, or data, could be mapped to the entity "consciousness" itself? You're talking about something totally different, so you'll have to clarify. Our minds already exist within the fabric of spacetime and we have no demonstrated abilities to transcend or supersede our 4d manifold, after all.
  5. DMT, OOBE's, and NDE's have all managed to successfully go beyond 4d standards. In some DMT trips people have had the most profound and life-changing experiences in their lives and have seen things that we wouldn't even think to exist in our dimension.

  6. But that's the point of Theory's that believe in more than 4 dimensions. (they recognize we can't, currently know what they are. (we can't measure them (the other dimensions)))
    More specifically, string theory, which has been thought of as "possibly the only chance of becoming the theory of everything." The transcending force or, superseding force, can possibly be the movement of "quarks" between the 4th and 5th dimension. We don't know! That's the fun in philosophy: every theory we apply to an "unknown," is just a possibility of millions of possibilities!
  7. #7 jeongmaljohaseo, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2012

    What is the 5th dimension to you then? An extra path that can be traveled across by enlightened or nearly dead humans only? Where do humans who do not have access to the axis (sry pun intended lol) of this dimension lie along this dimension? At the original/default position? (zero) What is this dimension even trying to explain? etc.

    In string theory, or at least in some versions of it, since many have been proposed, the search for extra coiled up dimensions exists due to the lack of congruency between the four fundamental forces of nature. Theoretically, the theory of everything would explain why there seems to be a bifurcation point, where conditions now are too cool or not dense enough, so that gravity happens to be incredibly weak as a force next to electric/strong/weak forces. It was shown that at high enough energies, for instance, the electromagnetic and weak forces unite/couple into what is called the electroweak force. This means force strengths depend on extrinsic properties like density, temperature, and vacuum energy. Theoretically, physicists think all four forces, at high enough energies currently not even close to attainable by CERN, would have symmetry, i.e. the same strength as the rest.

    The reason I'm saying this is because gravity is a spherically symmetric force that branches out its influence on all possible spatial dimensions, whereas the strong nuclear force is not like that. The motivation for other spatial dimensions, mathematically analyzable ones at that, is because of the slight chance that gravity's strength is being dampened by virtue of its carrier particle spreading to currently invisible dimensions.

    With "soul"/"mind"/"conscousness" being thrown around, there is no content of explanation or examination occurring like the extra dimensions of string theory. What exactly is the motivation to link "mind" with "dimension?" is my question. Propose a coherent mathematical link is what I'm saying. Otherwise it is unfortunately only blindly speculation, however interesting it may be.

    Everyone seems to be confounding the colloquial, mystical term "dimension" with concrete dimensions as defined in rigorous mathematics/physics. They don't mix any more than "energy" as defined by the first law of thermodynamics and "energy" as defined by spiritual new-age religions. String theory in no way advocates for alternate spiritual realities in the way many people think they do, possibly due to media sensationalizing everything between science and religion. Of course the public will eat it up.
  8. DMT. That is all
  9. All it could ever be is speculation if we keep looking at it from purely scientific approaches. Like I said though my knowledge is pretty limited as far as dimensions go, but I believe there's an etheric double of our world or astral plane that works at different vibrations/frequency's. The 5th dimension could be this place. Where time is changed so we can see different past experiences and multiple future outcomes. Where there really is no one point in time. Maybe our consciousness is specially linked to this world but tied to our material body's somehow?

  10. We're on the exact same thought process.
  11. Why does everyone praise DMT like its some spiritual gateway? I hope you all know that there NO scientific evidence that dmt is released in dreams/before death/etc..its all speculation based on the presence of certain building blocks of dmt in our brains..and what makes everyone think a strong pyscho-active chemical, like that in many unmentionables, is going to show us the truth? Or reveal some intricate mystery we could never before understand?
    I dont doubt the intensity and power of a dmt experience(;)), but i feel like eveyone labels it as some magical mind opener and teacher, when in fact its a very powerfull intoxicant. Are you in fact gaining insight, or merely feel that way because of the powers of the drug?
  12. I have no idea about the actual facts and reality of DMT but all of the stories I've heard from it makes it out to be something that shows us limitless possibilities. Things that are in fact possible to perceive that we could never imagine whether they're hallucinogenic or not.

  13. The hypothesis that DMT is released during dreams or during a near death experience is just that, a hypothesis. But whole DMT has been found in all types of mammal brains, with metabolites of it being found in human blood and urine. It's a neurotransmitter just like serotonin is.
  14. String theories propose between what, 11 and 21 dimensions. If you think of each step from one two and three dimensions then the 4th degree of freedom in time, they open up vast new experiences. Even a single additional dimension should follow the same pattern. Even within the known limits of our 4 we are very limited. We cant hear all the frequencies nor see them all. And Maxwells original equations did include an additional dimension. Even more recently has math been able to describe another dimension. It can be done with math but doesnt mean it exists. So to say math hasnt touched it is false. In relativity, bent space must be bent into 'hyperspace' i.e. Another dimension. Dimensions arent so mystical, just a degree of freedom as far as math is concerned.
  15. You're absolutely right. This is why I try to live a more positive life and meditate/pray, try to open my third eye and astral project. I think I'm making some progress, but until death this is the only way to experience it. Besides DMT and other compounds, but I don't have access to that :( I would love to try DMT
  16. Perhaps this is what you mean by the 5th dimension, and where the true 'I' truly rests:

  17. That story was incredible. Could the light this person saw be the same light that people see in NDE's? An opening to a higher understanding of everything?

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