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The 10 best things to do high (opinion) (no repeats, ADD ON FROM RECENT POSTS)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazedmymindbro, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I don't do much high, that's why I want to make a list so I can =) These ARE NOT the best things to do, but it's what I've done and I think is pretty cool.

    2)Swimming (I heard it's amazing)
    3)Playing video games
    4)Hanging with a friend
    8)Going to the movies
    9)Going to church (Shit is freaky)
    10)Playing an instrument
  2. #2 WeedBratton, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Why would you put masturbate and not sex?

    EDIT: Nevermind, just read the post a few more times.

    Why did you say you've heard swimming is amazing if it's on a list of stuff you've done?

    1 Sex
    2 Roller-coaster
    3 Movies
    4 Blasting music
    5 Showering
    6 Chillin with my homies
    7 Play drums
    8 Go to Imagination Land
    9 Eating
    10 Smoking more
  3. 1) having sex
    2) partying
    3) making fun of drunk bitches
    4) eating
    5) chilling with your bros
    6) 3d movies
    7) watching sports on a good HD TV or projector
    8) going to the movies
    9) hot boxing whips
    10) bumping music mad loud with your subs
  4. 1-ping pong
    3-video games
    4-hot tube
    6-drink water (you wounldnt relize it till its gone)
    7-make out with chicks
  5. i can only imagine sex while

  6. Do you have to be so literal? Calm the fuck down.
    If you wanna be so literal, I put add on from recent posts.
  7. 1. Sex
    2. Star Gazing
    3. Listening to classical music
    4. Watching South Park
    5. Eating
    6. Nature Hikes
    7. Sunrise/Sunset
    8. Gaming
    9. Movies!
    10. Coffee :smoke:
  8. I wouldn't go swimming if you're really really high...
  9. 1-10 = Your favorite things to do sober.... but high. Seriously. I just don't see much of a difference except pot makes everything a tad bit more enjoyable.

  10. hmm... a "tad" bit?
  11. Skydiving
    Stealing streetsigns with friends.
    Going to the I-Max
    Recieving a BJ
    Music festivals/concerts
    Sex<- i know its been repeated but its my favorite thing while high
  12. 1) laugh
    2) not make sense and make others laugh
    3) oral.....recieving and giving ;)
    4) porn....
    5) Call of Duty MW2
    6) Mario Kart
    7) sleep
    8) shooting things with BB gun
    9) hot tubbing (while hitting the bong)
    10) rocking out
  13. I would not skydive high, wow you have balls
  14. :D yes
  15. Anyone who skydives under the influence of any drug that affects their coordination and thinking is taking a terrible chance with their life.
  16. 1) sleep
    2) girls
    3) anything dealing with more weed
    4) dirt biking
    5) beach Sea turtles and snorkling
    6) eating
    7) gaming
    8) gc
    9) massages
    10) sitting on my roof looking at the sky
  17. Just living life man :D it was beyond description
    But yes, i am an idiot and dont advise doing it under the influence. I was probably at a serious risk of a heart attack.

  18. Who would have thought?
    1. Smoke.
    2. Smoke.
    3. Smoke.
    4. Smoke.
    5. Smoke.
    6. Smoke.
    7. Smoke.
    8. Smoke.
    9. Smoke.
    10. And last but not least... Smoke.

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