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Insomnia THC & Xeralto (Rivaroxaban)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Bdid, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. I'm new to using cannabis in just the last year or so. I'm in my late 50's and have never taken if before about a year ago.

    I don't smoke anything and never have. I've been primarily using Pura Vida Nightfall Indica Honey Oil Drops and I use it exclusively to aid it getting to, and staying asleep.

    I tried taking Sativa drops (and Indica drops) during the day to see what kind of "high" I'd get. It was disastrous. Just a feeling of complete loss of control, confused, unable to comprehend the passage of time, unbalanced...stuff like that. But that's okay, I'm mainly just interested in cannabis as a sleep aid, and it's been working wonderfully for that.

    My question to all of you, is anyone else out there taking the antii-coagulant (blood thinner) Xeralto (also known as Rivaroxaban). I've done hours of research on the safety of taking cannabis while on this drug and all the Drug Checkers indicated no contradictions. But now and then I run across these sites that basically say if you take weed and Xeralto you could literally die, slip into a coma or have something called "Scomiting" which is apparently vomiting so violently that you scream! I found this info here: xarelto and Weed | Mixing Weed and xarelto

    I've been using the Nightfall drops at a dose of anywhere from 16mg to over 40mg at a time, while on Xeralto for about a year now, and I don't notice any side effects so far. But then I read the website I listed above and it makes we question everything and wonder if I've just been lucky I haven't died yet. Still, I can't find any Drug Checker or much of anything else that even confirms there is any interaction between cannabis and Xeralto. I'm currently taking a dose around 15-16mg per night and have found that seems to work well for me.

    So just wanting to find anyone else that's on Xeralto and does weed. From the research I've done before it seems that IF there is an interaction with weed and blood-thinners it seems to be mainly for older blood-thinners like warfarin AND that it's more of a concern with CBD as opposed to TCH that I take.

    I don't respond to THC like most people. I have yet to experience anything close to a "high" and once I even tried a vape pen with the THC cartridge (coughed for 3 days afterwards too). It made the effects happen within about 30 minutes vs about 3-4 hours with the drops, but the awake results were the same.....loss of balance, confusion, loss of sense of time, etc. So I don't think my body is built to get that "Cheech & Chong" high I had imagined all my life that weed gave people. Just doesn't work for me I guess.

    So I'd really appreciate any replies from others who are on Xeralto and use weed and hear your experiences, both good and bad. Thank for taking the time to read all this.

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