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THC pills.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Happyjack13, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I just purchased some THC pills that my friend got, and I was wondering if anybody had any information for me.

    I am just wondering a few things. What is the best way to take them? With food, after eating food? And how many should I take and what should I expect?
  2. What are THC pills? Marinol?
  3. I would believe, yes. He just picked them up from the dispensary and I have never tried them before.
  4. Oh ok, no Marinol is the prescription THC you would get from a pharmacy. I think thc pills are what people make and put into capsules.

    Never have tried them, but I would assume it takes at least a couple depending on tolerance levels. Im sure you could google it and find some people who have before.
  5. Only ever had the Marinol's... In my opinion, what a crapper on the reputation of marijuana. Marinol did little for more, other than reinforce my stance for prescription HERBAL medications... not pills.

    To the best of my knowledge, that's a thc pill. I took 1, or 2, at a time. It would leave me feeling a wee-bit stoned for a good part of the day, and just generally hungry. Nothing serious though.
  6. If these are from a dispensary are they cannacaps or something similar? Green capsules?

    Be careful with these, as you should with any eatable. Take one, wait 45 min, see what happens. If you have a high tolerance, then two might be doable.

    The first one I took had me riding around on the train here for a long time because I could not stand up and get off,it was rather funny. Later, when I had made if off the train...

    Marinol is awful.
  7. Can't you ask your friend how he takes them? They should have given him instructions when he picked them up.
  8. He probably got a simple glycerin extraction stuck into a gelcap.

    Those things are notoriously all-over-the-place with the dosage, so take the smallest dose possible for your first go at it and wait at least 2 hours to gauge potency.

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