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thc in seeds??

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Spivey, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. alright, so as far as small amounts of thc to be extracted for some edibles, is there any to be found in the seeds of regs? as in, any at all. because i know stems contain a little, and i can definitely imagine the possibility of some thc coating the seeds, or being within the shells...

    any feedback appreciated :)
  2. You can eat them for a health benefit however they will not really get you high if that is what you want. Better to play Johnny Appleseed as the spring comes up on us.

  3. They do in fact taste pretty good!
  4. #4 MrsEd, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010

    Toasted in a dry pan are very tasty indeed.
  5. its similar to poppy seeds the seeds aren't active but THC from the leaves and buds can rub off a bit and make it have a tiny amount of THC that is not worth trouble.

    the seeds are very nutritious and provide essential fats, protein and fibre :)

  6. nice, that's basically what i thought. i always knew seeds were nutritious and i figured thc would rub off on them. so maybe i'll just end up saving seeds to eat when i need a meal and am feeling stonerish or something :smoking:

    but would it actually make any difference (like saving for a couple weeks less or something due to saving seeds), or would it be a total waste? i'd rather use it to get high than eat, and you get to eat or drink with "edibles" anyways haha
  7. Better off planting them rather than trying to use them to get high.
    As a side note:
    THC enriched trhicomes are used by the cannabis plant, not only as a chemical defense, but also as a way of keeping humidity and temperatures stable around the seeds.

  8. well i can't grow a plant for a little while. and by the time i can i'll have enough for like 100 successful regs plants. and that's only counting black seeds. if i did plant them, i'd only be able to plant a couple anyways, so with all the others... to eat on an adventure, or to put into my edibles? that is the question
  9. I toast them and use on everything salads, teriyaki chicken, pizza, ice cream no not really:p

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