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THC Fries?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Casper The Don, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. How much would you need to make THC vegetable oil to cook french fries with?
  2. Wouldn't the THC evaporate due to the temperature? I have no clue, but I'd love to get wasted on fries if it's possible :)
  3. Oh damn I wish that could happen. Getting while and munching out at the same time :smoke:
  4. if you really wanna feel it, 5 grams to a 1/4 of some good mids

    the problem with making french fries is you dont get all of the oil, so it will be a complete waste, you're much better off making brownies or some cake or something
  5. cook fries in oil, roll in kief(substitution for salt), wrap in foil, bake, get baked.

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