Has anyone used butane to extract THC out of shake/stems/leaves/whatever? I've looked up a little bit of info on it... apparently it's supposed to work well, you just wait for the butane to evaporate completely before messing with it again. I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried it, and how well did it work?
Yes ill second this, butane boils at room temperature, so the boiling process can extract THC. This is how they make hash oil. I beleive I read a tutorial on it, although i can give you a general idea, you should find more info. The way they did it was they took a PVC pipe, put 2 ounces of ground up bud inside, put a screen on one end and a plug for the butane can on the other, and you discharge the butane into the pipe, which proceeds thru the weed, and your hash oil drips out the screen on the other end. I beileive they can only harvest about a gram or a gram and a half of oil from each ounce of bud used. But hash oil is the most concentrated form of THC i beleive, just a drop is equivalent to a couple fat bowls of danks.
Just use isopropyl alcohol or any clear grain alcohol 140 proof or more. Now take some bong water that is very resinated pour it in a pot. Boil it down till almost all the water evaporates. It should be very dark. Now pour the resin in a cup add a small amount of alcohol. Mix it and give it 10 min to absorb the thc. Run the alcohol resin thru a coffee filter. Ull be left with the thc extract and alcohol. Now warm the mix or just leave to evaporate. I got a gram of pure thc oil.. Was out of bud so I laced up my newport and smoked up. Was very surprised no taste and got high af.. Try this shit
For the love of god.. look up the process of making wax before just jumping in. All these damn kids on here will try to do it indoors and blow their parents house up.
I dont have much experience man, but do some research on it and dont listen to the couple of tips posted. While pvc may be okay once or twice, id only use food grade stainless or glass for the tube. And another word of advice is do it outside so you dont blow yourself up.
I have always ran pvc, sure glass is better, but pvc is a good cheap option. If your local headshop blows glass they usually sell tubes for $8-15 depending on size
So you want to make some BHO. Don't use pvc it's more dangerous, you can buy an extraction tube for cheap. Use an electric stove top preferably, you could burn your house down if it is gas and your not careful. It is really easy to do but things can go wrong in the process pretty easily. Be careful with your pyrex or whatever your cooking on, that shit has been known to explode into millions of little pieces when it experiences the extreme temperature change.
I have a food grade stainless tube but i havent run any tane through it yet. Ive just heard from different sources that the butane can eventually start leeching toxins from the pvc after prolonged use.
Oh and keep in mind that when running actual weed you get about a 7:1 ratiot so 7 grams of weed is 1 gram of BHO. You also can't just smoke it, you either need to get weird with it and take stove/knife hits or buy a oil piece/dome/nail/torch which could run a few hundred dollars or more if your buying some quality equipment. Never buy a glass nail for future reference, they suck wicked bad.
Where the fuck do you get your information? You are SO wrong. Return is roughly 10-12%. NONE of you in this thread should be giving advice as its obvious you've never ran bho. The advice most of you are giving will get people killed. Dont fucking give out misinformation on somthing so dangerous. This thread needs to be deleted, since people know not what they are talking about.
This. This is how 90% of the BHO/concentrate threads go on GC. Whole fucking DIY concentrate communities gunna have cancer by the time there thirty for a high lol
Eh, idk man. I normally get 4 grams per ounce of nug. If you're questioning the quality of my runs check out the hash oil thread in stash jar.. I'm not new to this. Btw, did anyone else notice this thread is from the ancient days of bho..
[quote name='"Spaced"'] Where the fuck do you get your information? You are SO wrong. Return is roughly 10-12%. NONE of you in this thread should be giving advice as its obvious you've never ran bho. The advice most of you are giving will get people killed. Dont fucking give out misinformation on somthing so dangerous. This thread needs to be deleted, since people know not what they are talking about.[/quote] What like using pvc extraction tubes? All the bho threads ive read they say dont use pvc. Youve spread just as much misinformation as the next guy. Hop off your high horse and do some research yourself. I dont know alot about it but i do know you do it outside and you dont use fuckin plastic.
bho is gross and bad for the lungs imo its harsh and contricts your lungs and you will have a cough fit
Blasphemy!! Bho is delicious and better for the lungs. Take smaller hits if your lungs can't hang.. All the plant matter that's left out of the oil is bad for the lungs.
When i pick up i usually deleaf the buds if there is any leaf left and save all my stems and i usually save it up untill i have a half and i usually get about 1.5-2g return. The leaf and stems are all coated in crystals so its not really that bad for running and its fire, tastes good for what its run out of.