last night i was at a crazy ass party went i got back to my place drunk as a hell i sparked a J and went to take a piss but it was such a long piss(alcohol) and anyways so i was so high and could know if i was pissing or not so cause i was high it just felt like it was the right thing to do is to put my hand in front off my dick to know if i was pissing so i did it with my left hand which had the joint in and pissed all over the joint so i freaked out and while trying to zip the cherry burnt my waist so fuckin bad omg hahahah the pain wouldnt stop i couldnt find the cherry find the cherry plus i thought the joint was out cause of all the piss
sir willpower, dude hahah its all good we all get pretty dumb sometimes its cool plus its gc share whatever
HAhahaha you were too cdrunk to know if you were pissin so you decided to put your hand infront of your dick? thats fucking priceless why didnt you just have patience and wait it out
funny story man shit i think i took at least two or three 3 minute pisses last night some beer a lot of water
wait, so you did smoke the piss weed? LMAO at the story too. While I haven't done that I do faintly remember doing other such dumb things while under the influence.... It seems like common sense is an afterthought sometimes when drinking. =D
how the hell do you not know if your pissing or not??? thats absurd. i guess you created a new know catpiss? well you just made humanpiss...a yellowish phenotype, lol
i know its nasty and i don't think i really give a shit its what happend and im sharing it even if its sic and wrong.
Lol. that's awesome. I know how you where thinking. I've never done that, but I've done some really stupid things, can't think of any, but like... I wonder if it would hurt to drop this filing cabnet on my hand kinda stupid