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Thats 1 more point for medical marijuana!

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by yellow bic, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. I work for pizza hut, and recently got in an accident, about 2 weeks ago.

    The accident was not my fault, some lady ran a red light and t boned me.

    i was on the clock and i had to submit a UA. well i live in colorado and i was really worried about having to take a drug test. i told my manager that i had my card and presented him with a copy before i went in for my test.

    Now even though colorado approved medical marijuana, my employer does not have to go by what the state says.

    It brings me great honor to report that my managers are allowing me to return to work tomorrow! even though i obviously tested positive for marijuana.

    one more point for medical marijuana!:hello::wave:

    it should be noted that i do realize pizza huts are franchises, but i work for NPC which bought a whole lot of pizza huts, so really we have a lot more corporate rules since the switch this past year. so i got around corporate rules with my card!
  2. WOOHOO!

    haha yayyyyy!

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