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That...really uncomfortable...high. >.>

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SpiralStatic, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Ya know what I'm talking about. You just can't get comfortable in any position on the couch, in a bed, in a car, standing up or sitting down. It's all over uncomfortable and you can't fix it.

    That sucks.

    Why does that happen?
    What do you do about it?!

    Happened for the first time in a while on the last bits of a schwag quarter. :confused:
  2. ^^This
  3. Sounds like you need to buy some better weed :)
  4. Everything is comfortable when I'm high.
  5. You smoked shwag.

    You needed to smoke more shwag.
  6. I've had that but I've also had an infinitely worse time when I smoked weed laced with angel dust and then ate some shrooms on top of that. You'll be alright.

  7. that sounds like a trip

  8. It f'n sucked, I was outside the whole time. I went completely numb and felt like just a pair of eyes floating around then my heart started pounding outta my chest coupled with hallucinations and paranoia. I couldn't even talk, so I sat out front of a building freaking out for what seemed to be 5 hours. Never mix hallucinogens and dissociative drugs lol.

  9. ill keep that in mind
  10. Never had that problem, really. It makes me feel more comfortable.
  11. u shouldda just smoked a newp and u wouldda been fine

  12. Fuck dude, I've had all that just from too much weed. Even threw up... IMAGINE what would happen to me if I had what you had!
  13. I like schwag. There, I said it! O.O
    I'm broke and it lasts long enough compared to what I could get of better pot for the same price. Yep, I dig shitty weed. Oh well.

    But yeah, it's weird. It's happened the last couple times I've smoked, I can just "feel" it everywhere, and can't get comfortable.

  14. Been smoking for years and never had what your talking about man. I love that feeling of feeling it everywhere, makes me so comfortable.
  15. That usually only happens when I'm not high
  16. its anxiety
  17. Shwag is my favorite man. It lasts forever and gets you stooooned. Its different though. Think of a shwag stoned like a wall, and each hit is a brick. You build the wall with however many bricks you want and then when you're least expecting it the wall runs at you at 17,000 miles per hour and then smacks you in the balls. I love shwag.
  18. i agree and when that happens to me, i have sex...if thats not possible at the moment, i try to channelize myself into some art....
  19. thats happened to me a few times... thats when I smoke a whole pack in one sitting lol not really but i do kinda smoke alot when im high and uncomfortable

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