That One Moment

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MilkyLumpkinz, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Ever have that one moment where it feels good to just be you.
    Its feels like everything is in its place.
    You look at your surroundings.
    You look at the people your with..
    Just every little thing,seems perfect.
    & at That One Moment,it all just seems so right?

    Here is mine,although I have these every now & then the most recent one was, I was sitting in the car on the way back from white castles,still kinda blowed..was with my brothers & my cousin that I'm really close to. We were just laughing an singing along with the music,making funny faces at cars an just messing with each other. I looked around saw the smiles on there faces,the moon was full an stars were out an the city lights were on..the sound of the music coming from the radio just seemed to fit the moment,I was glad to be me,to be there with those exact people,to have that song playing,its like the universe gives me these feelings every now & then to remind me to remember these moments when all I can remember is the worst :smoking:

    Share yours if you have one or any,doesn't have to be anything like mine btw
    I'd like to hear some :)
  2. jk but yea ive had moments like these, just bein extremely happy with life(especially on unmentionables)
  3. #4 Cruizer, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    I've had that moment. The only way I can actually describe it is to say it felt as if the sun was shining on my soul. I have no better description than that.

    I was about 11 or 12, and I remember that the girls wanted me to play with them (I was that guy) but all my friends got jealous. So there was literally a tug of war for me between the girls and the guys with five on each side over who got to play with me. I tell you I've never felt a better feeling than that in my entire life. But I will one day :)
  4. When I'm sleeping lol
  5. loool it was kinda funny :] thats awesome tho :smoking:
  6. I just moved to Cali, and I'm living with some family friends. Today I woke up to find my bong packed with icy water, and the bowl filled to the brim with my host's weed (some sour band that she just picked up, so fucking good). Still in bed, I turn my head, and I see the ocean from my window. I was so high that my hour commute into the valley was beyond fine, it was actually enjoyable. Now I'm at work (which I love), still vibing and getting shit done (with a GC break here and there :p). This is the life, all I need is my girlfriend to be here by my side. Don't know how I'm gonna leave California.
  7. that's how i make every situation when i'm stoned

    just chill the fuck out in my own world and don't give a fuck
  8. [quote name='"flirt77"']I just moved to Cali, and I'm living with some family friends. Today I woke up to find my bong packed with icy water, and the bowl filled to the brim with my host's weed (some sour band that she just picked up, so fucking good). Still in bed, I turn my head, and I see the ocean from my window. I was so high that my hour commute into the valley was beyond fine, it was actually enjoyable. Now I'm at work (which I love), still vibing and getting shit done (with a GC break here and there :p). This is the life, all I need is my girlfriend to be here by my side. Don't know how I'm gonna leave California.[/quote]

    Dam dude thats awesome. Enjoy that shit, youve got some great friends! And congrats on the job too.

    For me, all i can think of is a couple days ago i got reeeaaally high and chilled with my 3 and a half month old kitten, Dexter, whom i just got from the human society this past weekend. It was the first time i interacted with him high, and it was awesome!

    I was laying on my side on my bed and he jumps up there with me and lays down right next to me. I start petting him and hes purring madhard. Hes layin down on his side facing me and he stretches his arms and legs and starts gently pawing at my chest/face with his front paws as hes purring and im petting him. it kinda tickled but i was enjoying it and i was giggling like a little schoolgirl lol

    I just felt so calm and peaceful and incredibly happy, like i cant remember the last time i felt that good. Idc how gay this post sounds, but i love my new buddy!

    [ame=]Kelly Clarkson - A Moment Like This - YouTube[/ame]

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