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That new anti-bud ad

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Mr_Criminal, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. I saw that commercial but he didn't have a joint in his hands, it's just a close up of some unshaven guy looking all burned out and then the logo comes up.

    That confused me something horrible... atleast now I know he was smoking a joint.
  2. They cut from his little brother coming down the stairs to the burnout's hand setting down something burning in an ashtray.. which I assumed was a joint. And then to the burnout's face.
    "It has recently become a misdeameanor in Canada to possess less than 30 grams of pot."
    Heheh. You make is sound as though.. "If you don't have at least 30 grams of pot, you can get in trouble with the law."

  3. A few years ago, pot was the gateway drug. Leads to other drugs, so in that logic, they're pretecting us from trying heroin and crack by "educating" us about the gateway drug.

    Responsible drug use can be beneficial, why not encourage that instead?

  4. the jay was just set down into an ashtray, but i still agree, STOP STEROTYPING US!!!!!!!!

  5. hell yea
  6. u r so right... they make it look like anyone who smokes pot is going to be a burnout doing nothing with their life.... but anyone who does or does not smoke pot could just as easily as if they didnt smoke weed... god that pisses me off! fuck the dumb ass anit-marijuana commercials! fuk them all! go to hell!
  7. haha i wuz just watchin TV and tha commercial came on....... i wuz so pissed off that i cursed off the TV lol
  8. Canada today released it 370 kilo stash of pot to medical patients. They claim its 10% THC, Not too good, I grow around 20% THC. Heres the catch, they want 5$ a gram. My daily dose prescribed by my doctor is 5 grams. That's 150 grams amonth times 5 dollars a gram. Total 750$. I get 1100 $ a month on disability. My rent is 400$. I'm already over budget and haven't factored in food or transportation. They want to sell shit weed and keep us on disability barely scraping by while they sell us medicine produced with taxpayer dollars. I can see it coming. The government isn't treating weed as a medicine but as a profitmaker.They see the cash cow and are hitching a ride. It won't be long before you see signs that say "MLCBO" The Marijuana and Liquor Control Board Of Ontario, I guarantee it, and it won't be too long either. SHAMETHEPOLITICIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. they are both bad for you. cigarette's don't put you under any influence and they can't get you arrested.

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