That my friends, is called a hustle

Discussion in 'General' started by 1Trismegistus1, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. I paid 30 cents, did 1 interaction, and ended up with an 8gb ipod touch. Not sure what generation, but the oldest ones go used for 90 bucks minimum on amazon. 30,000% profit margin? not too shabby.

  2. how the fuck?
  3. yea, if your not gonna share how, why post?
  4. An explanation would be nice.
  5. yeah you can't say something like this and not tell :).
  6. People will sell shit at ridiculously low prices if the circumstances are right, that's all I can say. It's good to have health insurance. Under normal circumstances I woulda made 30 bucks, but this time I got an ipod touch lol
  7. dick! LOL
  8. .....
  9. If I went into exact details it would be against the rules, if ya really really wanna know i'll PM u

  10. pm me .
  11. u won the lottery, dont hide that shit from us!
  12. This is an ultimately disappointing thread...
  13. I started with zero dollars in my wallet and bank account....

    I ended up with a 50inch plasma tv....

    I got a credit card :D
  14. I paid zero cents and got an ipod touch . how? i stole it from a prick and sold it for 120 bucks.
  15. I had 59 cents in my wallet once

    I walked home
  16. Find a penny pick it up, for the rest of the day you'll have a penny.
  17. i have 4 dollars and a receipt from supercuts.

    what does that get me?

    also, why does receipt have a "p" in it? shit doesnt make sense.
  18. Its quite obvious that he bought a drug from someone for 30 cents. Not sure how but he then traded the drug for the ipod.
  19. Actually it was from the grocery store, which is where health insurance comes into effect for why it only cost me 10 cents per item, 3 dollars total, but this.
  20. Derived from an old school word, along the lines of being the recipient.

    Why does llama have two Ls in it :p

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