idk if its because im really high, but that last bowl, and it stayed light the entire time i smoked it and i just thought this was really cool lol. ive never had this happen to me where i would light it once and it would be good. just wondering if this happened to anyone else or if its just a normal thing and im really baked haha
Did you break up the bud properly? Sometimes when I don't it stays cherried for a bit haha. The last bowl is always depressing because then you're like, "Now what?".
Yeah dude, if you grind up your bud, pack it correctly, and light it nicely and corner it, a properly packed pipe (if being hit every 10 seconds or so) should easily stay lit until it's beat. Or until you gotta pack it down, but then theres like 2 hits left, if that.
yeah i mean ive had it happen for the most part, but this was just cool cause i just light it once and i was fine for 5 minutes and being high this seemed even cooler lol
a majority of the bowls I pack hang on to their cherry all the way through the bowl, it's great when you're smoking with people, not as awesome when you're smoking alone
i like when you get to the weed at the bottom of the grinder and its super like broken up and just crystals and hairs and shit....that bowls always the best.
^^ya. the last bowl always seems to get me blitzed. and because I make a point to have the last session consist of more bowls than normal