Or THAT friend. We all know who that sombitch is. The guy that's always sayin "Man, last night I got so stoned." or "I got this hookup," then It's just shwag or something. That guy who always talks about smokin and shit, when he doesn't smoke. We all know that motherfucker. In my case, it's one of my buds who for some odd reason always wants the name of a pothead, but doesn't smoke. I've never once seen him even take a hit out of a pipe, or off a joint. He says that he's gotten stoned and fucked up, ans all thay other shit. I've only heard through mutual friends that he's even a taken a hit off anything ONCE. So let's hear yall's stories
Sounds like he's somebody your envious of for getting "props" for being a "pothead" when you're the true hxc toker than a friend.
Not the message I was trying to get across, but I see hoeyou took it that way. I'm trying to get some stories goin about people who aren't who they say they are.
I've honestly never met someone like that. I've definitely seen it with drinking, but either way it all stopped in high school.
I used to be like that...like, right after I graduated high school. When I was around my one friend, I'd act like I smoked, but had never actually done it. He'd always offer me some and I'd say no... But that was back then, and I smoke now, so...whatever, I guess.
I've already posted in this thread but I just remembered something. Back before high school, before I ever smoked, the older stoner kids used to be like, "dude we know you blaze come on let's burn." They had absolutely no reason to think I smoked so I think they were just fucking with me haha. I used to be this scrawny kid with glasses.
I knew this one kid, when ever he "smoked" he wouldn't inhale, he would just take a pull and let the smoke still containing THC come out of his mouth and he would act super stoned after 1 hit. smh .
That's stupid you don't have to hold in the hit for 20 seconds to get high like so many half-retarded stoners think.
you should at least hold it a couple seconds. this kid hes talking about only got it in his mouth and blew it out immediately.
one time wen i was a freshman in highschool there i was wit 2 of my friends n we were gonna drink. we only had like a water bottle full of vodka. this other kid was gonna come out once his parents went to sleep. no one really like the kid so we just finished it b4 he got there. got pretty nice. so we figured instead of hearin him bitch about how we didnt have alc for him. we filled the water bottle with sprite n told him it was grey goose. he downd the bottle n acted all drunk. slippin n fallin slurrin his words. the next day there was a whole bunch of us smokin n the kid showed up. so we were like yo how drunk was u last nite n he was like yo that was the most fukd up ive ever been. (we already told evry1 the truth b4 he got there). after he said that though we was like yo we just gave u sprite there wasnt any alc at all in there. he got so mad n was like nah yo i was just playin i new it the whole time. his face got all red n shit n he stormed out the house cuz all the high people were laughin at him. good times good times
True. But I hate those people who say At LEAST 5 seconds but 15-20 for best results. LOL it's like stfu