.................That bitch

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by The Cannabis, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Ok so I started my second attempt at growing starting last thursday. I had about 5 sprouted and were about 4 inches tall. About 5 minutes ago I walked into my room to find that my cat ate all of the sprouts....
    God im pissed

    She has done it before also, she took down a couple week old plant before :(

    I need to remember to keep my door closed...

    gerjhnwuigerjhnuigrehnguiwehnguierjklfawdfowejfieowjfew sadface

    It wasnt high quality seed so im not too mad about that, but still.
  2. lol this is why i have a dog. sorry bro ill give ya some +rep to cheer you up lol
  3. haha thanks man, I have a dog also, but my cat is a fiend for herb, hence her name Mary (Jane)
  4. Go to Petco and get a couple of cans of Catgrass to keep her occupied........LOL..my cats are fuckin' stoners too.....once in awhile when I'm working in my grow rooms I'll catch them in there nibbling on some leaf.
  5. LOL sick name for a cat. haha

  6. Haha, mine has stolen sacks from me before. She hid a blunt from me for like a week hahaha

  7. I would have killed her. hahaha

  8. Yea but I was pretty happy to see that blunt a week later :)

    I think she is a little buzzed at the moment.
    Idk if thats possible though, it was only just sprouted plants
  9. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    sorry I had to get that out.

  10. All good:smoking:

  11. ? lol

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