I love you guys. You mean a lot to me. Sure i'm still under 1,000 posts but this forum has taught me a lot. I am 18 and still learning a lot. But grasscity is like my second family. ~ It's like a father; one to educate and to set examples It's like a mother; one that cares and helps It's like a sibling; one gains friendship here. ~ Grasscity is not just about bud. It's a place to learn, relax, and just have fun on. You gain life long friends here. People post and help others because they care. This place is not for power hungry people. People need to share; share their knowledge and respect to others. If the world was all equal, no one would fight or cause violence. Why would you kill someone? Together, maybe we can show the United States an actual example of human equity through our emotions. Maybe then other countries will reflect upon us, and together... Together, we all can become a peaceful unity. Everyone loves music, friends, and love. Together, one day mother earth will close it's eyes finally, and realize humans finally know how to run a planet. I love you all. Thank you for reading and thank you for all the good times. This is my gratitude. If only I could smoke you all out.
Great post! I feel the same way as you, but you put it into the words I couldn't describe. Keep on tokin', my friend!
I'd be happy there believe it or not. All I need is weed, food and tv I dont require much to live. Other people i've concluded just stimulate hardships in my endeavors.
I feel ya. I can't tell you all the things I've learned from this site. All the laughs I've had, all the great conversations and arguments. The funny thing too is you really begin to identify everyone as their own person. There's so much beyond the username and avatars. I really like that. Even though I may not know anyone in person... I'm at least happy that I know these great people are out there. I hope to continue making friends, enjoying the herb and vibe of GC.
I love these threads so much! It makes me really happy to be a part of this community, and it makes me happy to see others who feel the same way. everyone here is awesome If grasscity was a real place, I wouldn't need to die to find true peace
this site awesome no doubt. for me its two things. 1. friendship, good people that come together to answer and discuss and support each others horticulturist endeavors. 2. its like taking an art/botanty class at your own direction at your own pace. GC is my number one source for this rewarding clandestine craft.
I browsed GC for a few months before signing up, but I still haven't been here that long. Nevertheless, this is one of those forums I know I'll stick with for a while. It's just too damn chill
Awesome community, Great conversations, and Chill vibe. Grasscity has it all My next toke is for all the members of grasscity!
Im exactly the same. Im only 18, but grasscity has taught me soooooo much! Even though im only on about 300posts. I hope to be here for a long time.