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Thai Skunk

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Sativa Oracle, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Mmm. I just received two grams of Thai Skunk from my guy, and damn! :D

    Potent shit. It's a heavy sativa, with some indica. Gives a good, clear high and smells very skunky.


  2. Whoa, nice pickup forsure. :D
  3. i grew out thai super skunk and it didnt look anything like that
    trust me u got better stuff than the thai........
    very leafy with much less trichomes
  4. Daaamn that stuff looks DANK my friend. Enjoyy!! :smoke::smoke:
  5. looks gooy. hows it smoke??
  6. mouths waterin just lookin at it that looks sticky as hell!
  7. Heavenly. Though it's a step down from the Juicy Fruit I just picked up, it's stick Grade A, high quality bud. :hello:
  8. That shit is DOPE my friend! She looks tasssty! :smoke:
  9. fucking A man that shit looks amazing... wow so crystally and nicely trimmed as well

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