Tha Gravatron

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by project_n8, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Hey Yall. I was wondering if anybody here has done gravol. Yes I repeat myself... Gravol. If you take a high dose of it (600-1500) mg you get FUCKED up. I tried it once personally and I must say it was pretty crazy. It is like dreaming while awake. You hallucinate like CRAZY. My friend did it yesterday and we were walkin down the tracks and he said he saw all these people. It is also common to have full blown conversations with hallucinations lmao.

    When I did it, it was pretty fun at first and its almost like life "glitches". Things like move really quickly and it looks really weird.

    Downside is that it makes you really tired, it is EXTREMELY hard to hide. after a while it makes you kind of stupid, and its easy to have bad trips. Really bad trips. Because its not like on shrooms or lsd when you know you're hallucinating, people actually think that the hallucinations are real. It is also common to hallucinate spiders and sometimes people imagine big ass spiders and they freak the fuck out.

    So... yah if you've done it I wanna hear about it

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