tey3's 1st grow - 3x sexy strains

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by third ey3, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Started from seed femmed Sour Cream (Sour x G13), Sharksbreath (GWS x Jamaican Lambsbread), and AK48 around 8/2. Vegged about 7 weeks until 9/15 under 104W 6500K CFL in MG soil + perlite, added some nutes there after about a month, and cut clones off for mothers down the road prior to flowering. I just got in some FF nutes (liquid and water sols) and have done two weekly feedings at 50%.

    I'm planning on maintaining a mother of each in bonsai and pulling a clone or two every 2 weeks for perpetual SoG.

    Turns out I think I planted the sharksbreath and Ak48 a little too deep - the first shoots look like they're almost coming out of the soil, but other than that I couldn't be happier.

    I'm flowering in a vented 7.5 sq ft grow space (picture 1) with a 400w HPS and 46W of soft CFL per side. Cab lined with Panda film. Temps are about 82F lights on, 10 cooler lights out. Stealth not an issue, so I built a rather POS grow box which is about 55x20x48.

    This is my first experience with LST as well; I've been managing the growth since week 2 or 3. I'm trying to spread out the growth evenly using 14 guage galvanized wire. Somewhere I read that that wire can affect the soil or something, but so far nothing noticeable to the downside. What you're looking at is a 12" pot, about 3 gal, I only wish I would have done more to fill the other side of the pot. It's been filling out decently, I guess.

    Watering every 2 to 3 days. Half gallon usually does the trick for all 3.

    Attached is Sour Cream after 2 weeks in flowering, which really started exploding vertically since its last feeding last night.

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  2. Sharksbreath after 2 weeks in flowering

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  3. AK48 after 2 weeks flowering

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  4. these look awesome! cant wait for them to take off! if your gonna post for a while put up an avatar so people can find u fast.
  5. After about two weeks now I'm getting a good number of pistils coming in. Every day come 4:00 I'm always so damn anxious to open up the cab and see where I'm at 24 hours later, God what a hobby...

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  6. Those are nice. take some further away photos in a few days so i can see ur progress homie. I'm about to LST and want to see it happenin!
  7. Those look great. Makes me wish I would have LSTed now. Subbed.
  8. yes sir one of the best hobbies in the world and when you smoke your own product nothing compares! all the hard work and effort pays off i love it and cant get enough! you got a great grow goin brother keep it up!
  9. I 2nd that! So satisfying smoking your own home grown:D. They look very happy. What breeder made your AK-48 seeds? I have some interest in that strain.
  10. Yeah - I'm a little surprised they all look as healthy as they do. I'll go ahead and blame GC for the good fortune. I ordered Nirvana seeds (pick n mix) through The Attitude, so the AK48 was Nirvana but the Sharksbreath and Sour Cream were freebies, UFO I think? I'm def excited to try this SC tho - and it looks like it's going to have the biggest yield by far.

    Speaking of yield, I've counted 20 solid shoots (colas, right?) that are starting to fill out nicely. Using 400w HPS and the 6pack of FF nutes, what kind of ballpark yield am I looking at just for this lady?
  11. too soon to even think about it mannnng. i wouldnt run expectations through your head when your just gettin started. I did and im extremely disappointed. haha.

    Focus your attention on keeping your baby healthy!!!
  12. Week 3 update. All three now really transformed this week:) Starting to get a lot of movement vertically on the sour cream, the Ak48 is hella-bushy (this lady was troublesome LSTing), and the sharksbreath isn't bending around the curvature of the pot all that well. I'm thrilled these are the only things I can think to complain about!

    Just did my week 3 nutes, still using fox farm's products. pHing to around 6.4 or so.

    I'm watering w/ nutes every Wednesday, half concentration from fox farm's feeding schedule, then I do fairly light waterings on Saturday and Monday. Trying to make sure the top layers of soil seem mostly dried out by the time watering comes. On the Wednesday watering I'm still doing about 1/2 gallon total for all 3, applying via a tank sprayer rather than just dumping water in. Takes less than 5 mins.

    The clones I cut off about 2 weeks ago rooted through the plugs and are looking damn fine. Was worried about this process, but turns out humidity dome + leave it the hell alone DOES work.

    OK so for the pics. The first 3 are AK48, nice n bushy with giant fan leaves. I've been tucking the larger leaves under where possible for better light penetration. I haven't been removing them. Nice thick stalk.

    Then #4 I've got sharksbreath. Nothing too impressive to write home about as this girl hasn't grown as well as the others it seems. The branching has been kinda limited, might have benefited from another week in veg.

    #5-7 are sour cream, my favorite one to follow. Great light penetration all the way to the soil and nice and spread out. The side near the main cola is taller as I haven't trained them to bend as great a distance. Trying to rotate the pot every day to get equal lighting all around. Getting some nice action on the lower nodes on most of the stems. Oh and still not too smelly.

    Will post later about some of my cloning adventures (cloning for mothers). -tey3

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  13. dont let one cola grow taller than the rest if u can help it. try and keep that lst nice and even!
  14. End of week 4. I can't stop sitting and staring at Ak48 (see pic 1). The main cola is getting nice and dense, and mature - this one will probably be the first to harvest in several weeks. I'm looking at extra time most likely on the sharksbreath and sour cream as they can go til weeks 10 or 11 in flowering.

    My watering schedule is stupid. I like watering with nutes on a nice set schedule, problem is a week is 7 days which isn't a very friendly number to work with. I'm going to switch from watering 3(nutes)-2(water)-2(water) to 4(nutes)-3(water) and drench the shit out of them. Hopefully just enough so they get near starvation on the last day. I have yet to measure any runoff pH, so I'll be looking at doing that. The soil feels pretty dense as I work my finger a few inches down, hope this isn't a problem. The only one to show signs of watering stress was the sharksbreath (see pics 4 & 5), but she's looking much better today.

    1-3: AK48
    4-5: Sharksbreath
    6-8: Sour Cream

    I'm preparing for my next grow, which I hope to be a perpetual sog with 4x varieties. Just planted a Snow White in soil and she sprouted yesterday. I'll keep all 4 in mother form and do a cutting or two of each every 2-3 weeks.

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  15. Day 40, I've got my girls in a new enclosure and the buds are starting to ripen up. Couple instances of bud porn for ya GC (AK48, Sharksbreath, Sour Cream @day 43).

    The AK can finish by 48 days or so, so I'll be keeping a close eye on her because I'm sick of this waiting shit!

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  16. haha im the same way at 6:00:D

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