So, I live almost 40 miles from town. Yesterday, my husband and I went to town to do some shopping and on the way back, we were on the highway behind a full size van. We could see a multitude of kids heads bouncing around in the back and the van kept swerving, so we decided to pass. When we got right next to the van, I glanced over and this woman was driving with one hand, and her other hand was propped on the horn section of the steering wheel with a phone in it and her thumb was going like mad typing in a text message. Now, what bothered me most about this was all the kids in the back. Not only is she risking her life, but theirs and mine, as well as any other car who may be near her when she looks up too late to prevent herself from crashing. As we continued down the highway, I made it a point to look in every car we passed, and out of probably 30 cars in this 40 mile drive, I saw one person who did not have a phone in their hand or at their ear. That's kinda scary if you ask me. So, I was surfing for statistics and found plenty, but rather than bombard you with links, I'll just share this one article I found... Texting and driving donâ€â„¢t mix: ZoomSafer and Pew Researchs' Staggering statistics, Part 2
Very interesting. I agree that she should not have been texting while driving especially with a van full of innocent kids. I think that cell phones are becoming a huge problem. Im 19 and just got my first cell phone about 2 months ago. I do txt a lot now, but I've gone so long without it that I can differentiate between sending messages and becoming addicted to when Ill get that next txt
My son just turned 21 and he texts so much that he has to plug his phone in to charge several times a day. Him and his gf were sitting next to each other on the couch one night and both of them were texting like crazy. All I could think was "I hope they ain't texting each other when they're sitting right next to each other" lol I also always tease him about how all the teenagers today are going to have carpal tunnel syndrome by the time they're in their 20's...ha ha! I dunno....maybe I'm just old, but I don't text at all. I even had texts blocked on my phone cause I didn't have a plan for it and I was getting charged for texts that I was receiving from spammers. Telling me stock quotes and stupid stuff like that. To BushSquatting...if there weren't kids in that van, I just might have
Texting is almost at the point where it's not a fun way to communicate anymore. I use to hate talking on the phone, but texting without emotion has got me to the point that I just call most people that text me.
Thankfully they made texting and driving illegal in VA recently...but I had kind of assumed that it would have been illegal in the first place. I mean use some goddamn common sense, you can't drive a car while reading/writing.
They've made it illegal here in Ontario. Now if you want to text and drive, you just have to pay a little $500 fine. It stopped me from texting and driving. I dont think any of my texts are worth 500 bucks
I still see tons of people texting while driving in VA, though. I even saw a cop doing it just yesterday. I think the penalties need to be stiffer than they the cop snatching the phone and chucking it as far as he can. I bet that would get a lot of people to quit with the bullshit. If you can't wait until you get to your destination to text then you have a problem. If you think it's an emergency then pull the fuck off the road.
Man i hate people like this, my dad is horrible for it, like well be going somewhere, he will haul out his blackberry, and start typing a email, i remember i seen this one misses who was typing a txt and her car was full of dents, wonder how she got them
I hate it when people use cell phones and drive, period. The only time I ever use a cell phone and drive is for a quick call: either calling someone when I'm in their neighborhood to say I'm almost there, or answering the phone to say that I'll call them back when I'm not driving.
as far as 'regular' cell phone use, some people can do it and some people cant. i am on the phone WHENEVER i drive, because i usually drive a long way, and it passes the time. i can drive fine and some people i know dont have any change in driving habits. however some people, get on the phone and COMPLETELY change and honestly, cant drive worth shit while on the phone and that pisses me off. ive had so many near crashes from people that i saw were on the phone. either way, here in florida it will soon be illegal im sure. now about texting, it is very dangerous while driving and i wouldnt be surprised if it was made illegal.. but i will admit to doing it quite a bit. oh well... if youre in an accident and it can be proved that you were on the phone/texting... good luck, because youre probably screwed in court. even if it wasnt your fault. both your and the other parties insurance will find any way not to pay any money, and an accident while on the phone is one of them
Fixed. The fact of the matter is, it's a distraction no matter who is using it. Your eyes, don't move and observe nearly as much and even when they do you aren't taking in as much info because your mind is distracted. This isn't something you can train your mind/body to do, it's just how our mind/bodies work. I've been in the car with people who claim they are safe drivers while on the phone, they don't even realize the dangerous things they are doing. Then they get off of the phone and bitch about someone else who almost hit them while they were driving and talking on the phone. For some reason, people always believe that they are the exception. How many people have you heard say, "I suck at driving while I'm on the phone." vs. "I can drive just fine while I'm on the phone and driving."?
My brother does it constantly and I worry about it It's bad enough during the short periods I'm riding as a passenger with him that it's got to be 10x worse during the many other hours of the day He'll space out when everyone in front of him has noticed the green light and moved on, he'll be flying down the road and only notice a stopped car in front of him at the last's fucking terrible I'd like to go back to 1996 for a day and just witness the human species existing without a bar of plastic in their hand, all hunched over reading a comment that probably never needed to be texted
I see your point.. but where do you draw the line? regarding people who work all day, making calls scheduling appointments, or while semi trucks are following me from one spot to another and we are in contact many times throughout the day? its going to be hard to completely monitor cell phone use/texting. the only reason i talk about this is because talking on the cell phone requires navigating the cell phone and entering in numbers, multiple times. this is the SAME routine as texting.. so i dont know how people will tell if youre making a call or texting. while on this subject i wonder too about the radio. if youre using it, or if its loud, it can be just as much of a distraction.
I text and drive all the time. But i'm not like some people who can't do multiple things while driving. I keep my eyes on the road - I can text without looking at my phone (Blackberrys are good in the regard). The only time I ever look at my phone is to quickly glance at a response. Though, I do most texting at red lights and try not to do it while my car is actually in motion. I have been driving with a cell phone for ten years now. When they made it illegal to talk and drive, I just started using the speakerphone. I can do both and still drive perfectly fine. But I've seen a LOT of people on the road who can't seem to handle driving at all, let along driving and texting at the same time. These are the people who really need to stop - and quite possibly take another driving course.
the point of the matter is, cell phones are just another distraction people have while on the road. if you cant do both safely, then pick one or the other. honestly, driving is about getting from point a to point b safely. if you start acting stupid while on the phone, then get off. just like with anything else that distracts you while youre driving. i didnt want to sound like im supporting it, sorry. im not, i hate it just as much as everyone else on here. i just dont want it to be illegal to use the phone, or headset only laws. sorry, i just hate when people who drive like assholes get on the phone and then put everyone in even MORE jeopardy ruining it for those of us who THINK we can. lol
Can't be on the phone or text and drive here in California. Meaning it's a law, you're not allowed to.
this was my point exactly well put. and i have a blackberry and an iphone too. theyre great for on the road use. lol