Texas is using national guard and texas guard troops to defend their border. They also using state police there as well. Donald trump called for other states to send their national guard to the border to help defend it as well. Okohoma sent their national guard. Florida sent their state guard. All of these national guard members are under the governor’s orders until the president federalizes the guard. at which point, what do you think will happen? the texas state guard vs the newly federalized texas national guard do they have a gun fight in the middle of that park trying to arrest each other?
Very much so. I am trying to think of a time in the history of this country where a similar event happened and I can not. the world is watching. Even the Russian guy said something….
If (when?)Biden tries it I think each individual Guardsman would have a very important decision to make. Having lived in Texas years ago, Texans seem to be extremely fond of their state and it's reputation of independence. I don't think that very many of them would fall on the Feds side. Then Dotard Joe will have placed himself in yet another unwinnable position. At that point I have no idea what would happen. Whoever gives Joe his orders would feel the need to reprimand Texas somehow. And Texas will not be bullied.
this is how the US Army oath of enlistment reads. extrapolate this over every military branch, law enforcement, both federal and state. “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).” as i interpret the oath: allegiance is first to the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. iow, any person going against the US constitution is an “enemy”, the emphasis being placed on the nation state. second, is the pledge to remain faithful and true to the constitution. and third, an affirmation to follow the orders of the POTUS and the chain of command. (lawful orders that are not in conflict with Title 10, or the USMCJ). that is “the oath” in it’s entirety. imo, state guards will have every initiative to enforce the orders of their governors. let none of us forget, a state’s military guard does not fall under the chain of command of the pentagon. National Guard does fall under the pentagon but a state’s guard does not. this also includes all state law enforcement. state resources pledge their allegiance to the US constitution, their respective state’s constitution, and to their governor in that order. all that said, i stand with Gov Abbott, and i feel i am oath bound to my country to do so. pretty simple to understand even for a caveman.
“texas pride” cannot be beaten out of a true texan. that pride runs deep. that’s my experience having previously lived in dallas for 10 years.
the is the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the US. for those that may be confused, this is the oath a LEGAL IMMIGRANT swears to in order to become a legal citizen. this is a huge differentiator between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant. "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." and many tens of millions of legal immigrants, who are welcome to the US, have done in the past. just say “NO” to illegal immigration. take an oath and defend your country and all that the oath declares.
Fortunately, Biden's puppeteers will never be bold enough to push an armed conflict between federal and state troops.
what about private military companies? what about foreign ally troops? i know it sounds wild but, “what if”? a foreign troop or PMC won’t have a problem swinging the billy and pulling the trigger. just thinking “what if”. if that were to happen i think the reaction would be Red Dawn.
Hope you're right but I'm not so sure. It might be the result they're looking for. They eliminated a lot of our rights during Covid without blinking an eye so nothing they do surprises me. God Bless Texas
I'm not sure I'm right either but I would make a substantial bet that I am. I think there's a world of difference between the government trampling on civil liberties during Covid and starting a civil war with Texas. What would be their excuse? The Supremes didn't say Texas couldn't put up razor wire or had to take any down, they just said the BP could cut the wire and Texas isn't preventing them from doing so. And, according to the Biden admin, there is no crisis at the border which means, IMO, Biden can't do shit to Texas. It's funny when progressives say Trump will be a dictator. He's not even acting like a Democrat.
Yeah, Red Dawn. Another reason Biden won't go that far. I don't know about foreign troops or a mercenary force. If it comes down to that scenario, illegal immigrants flooding the country won't be what sinks the nation. It would make the evening news more interesting though.
I think you'd have a LOT of resignations from the national guard. They are a lot more loyal to Texas than our dementia addled president. Also, one reason the federal agents are going to remove the razor wire is that the President of the Border Patrol Union (whatever it's called), ordered the border patrol officers to stand down and not cross the Texas state and national guard.
we are being invaded. we all know if the congress really cared about immigration they would fix it, and we all know Traitor Joe invited all these people to come. how about this! the US “invades” Guatemala and Belize, topple their their government, place US troops there, and that will close mexico’s southern border. that will stop the bleeding such that we can focus on our own southern border and start rounding the illegals up and dealing with that.
….i don’t know. I think what we have seen the past few years is they do things slowly. I don’t think an armed conflict, if it even happens, will be an all of sudden occurrence. It would be slow. One reason, is to give Americans time to accept the idea and to choose a side. One reason why we have illegals. They will take the side of the federal government
Unfortunately our country has already committed some of those actions you described. One reason why this country is loosing its standing in the world.