Do we have any blades from the effected area? I thought we had some from texas on here at one point. Anyways, huge storm if you hadn't heard. And now insane flooding. Stay safe if you are in that area! Rescuers pluck hundreds from rising floodwaters in Houston
I'm in SoTx, but originally from Houston. It's rough man. Rockport got leveled mostly, Houston is flooding and they are doing controlled releases of the reservoirs to relieve pressure off the dams. Corpus has mostly wind damage, but some flooding and power outages across the 3rd Coast. We'll jus do what we always do, and that's rebuild and grow. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Shocking stuff. I wonder what caused this? Did Climate Change Intensify Hurricane Harvey? Flooding problems? Blame God, says Andreatta
My guess is the ghost of Osama bin Laden. He pulled himself away from his 72 virgin orgy fest to flood the homeland of Little Bush and the American oil oligarchs. lalalalalalalalalalalal!!!!!!
There's a blade I know who lives in Houston. I hope she's safe. I reached out to her and haven't gotten a response yet.
I'm in Austin and it hasn't really been hit. Just a big storm. Parts of Houston are practically underwater, it's fucked and these people need help. The slightest thing can save lives. Even if it's just sending a 3$ case of water bottles down there or a shoe box filled with canned food. Edit: and so many people are like "oh how will trump save them, trump needs to help" as if he's gonna fly in with a giant bucket and hose and suck all the water out himself. How bout you ask yourself what YOU can do. Instead of sitting around watching, criticizing him for not doing enough. Those people most likely didn't do shit to help. And the body count rises. (Disclaimer that shouldn't be needed: not a trump supporter)
Donno why this is a political topic.. But it's a very sad situation.. People getting water in their attics, street signs under water. Crazy shit. Good time for folks to get together and send a few bucks to the red cross, or some worthy charity. Folks need help big time.
My work sent a dozen people and two ambulances to help out with relief. I wish I would've been able to do that.
Yeah that's cool, I'm lazy so I sent dough to the red cross. Douche bags selling cases of water for like 90 bucks down there. Always an asshole or 2 taking advantage of others.
No doubt. There's always someone around to take advantage of those who are in need and have no other options.
It wasn't meant to derail. I assumed as it was posted in the politics section that you wanted to engage in some sort of discussion. Anyway, it looks bad. Hopefully Trump will help these people out.
yeah politics...presidents reaction to the actions, ect. He has been praised by all involved so far. If you want to talk about climate change shit then go resurrect one of the 13,000 threads about it.
I hear you. I'll exit your catastrophe thread in the politics section. Hope people come out of this ok, we had something similar a few years ago here. People lost everything.