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Testing my delicious product before buying more?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Alex is awesome, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. aight so here's the deal.... i found new dealers all selling high grade stuff for 10$ a gram. I was gonna try out some sour D to see how legit and dank their stuff is but how much should i buy to test....? (I will be using a bong)
  2. you wont get dank for 10 a gram, unless hes a grower
  3. If you can get 1g of dank for 10 bucks, buy a pound.

    no really, buy a pound. But test it out first, you will be able to tell if it's dank. It will be different lol. The feel, the smell, the look. If it gets you stoned doesn't really matter.

    And for the test, just buy 10 bucks worth?
  4. no the test isnt worth 10 bucks... the pine is worth 10 for 1g... and yes he is a grower... well actually its about of them livin in the same house as growers.... but i was askin how much should i buy as a test...? like 2g's should be good or so on and so on...
  5. A test is like a bowl.

    Just buy like $40 bucks worth. Trust me you will thank yourself especially if it's dank.

    Dank is usually $20 or $25 a gram.

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