Terrifying Experience Please Read

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LiveLifeWell32d, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Ok so im 18 and in college, I have tripped on 20, 40, and 60x salvia extracts numerous times and have had for the most part happy not frightening experiences. This past time was much different, It was very spur of the moment. So here is what went down. First of I was mid Trip on LSD but it was not very intense, not really getting me to any real point of trip ( 1 tab) so i decide I am going to smoke a bowl of salvia out of my friends bong in his room. So in the room are a few of my close friends who all have experience with salvia as well. So i take the hit, hold it in for a good 20 seconds, feel the effects start coming on and decide it is time to blow out the hit. Instantly I can tell this is not going to be my average trip. I start to feel extremely anxious and very paranoid. I immediately start to hallucinate and no longer is anything real. I hallucinate that my friend asks me a question, a trick question, one that everyone in the room knows about besides me, this question takes me back in time through a spinning loop of reality that literally ripped me out of the room. At this point I am re-living every aspect of my life up until the present, and as the loop comes around and I can see present day in my friends room I realize I have been tricked and try desperately to grab ahold of my friends arm who is in the "real" dimension of time, this fails and The two dimensions spinning by each other tear my body completely in half as I will not let go of my friends arm (remember I am hallucinating this).

    I am not going to try to remember the rest of the trip as I feel it is all the same as what I have explained just in different dimensions and different terrifying things occurred.

    The dimension or new reality that the salvia put me in made me believe that everything I had done in life was a sick joke or lie and I had become the fool to believe it. The fact that my friends tricked me and knew what was going to happen to me (hallucination) and allowed it to happen also terrified me. coming out of the trip I tried desperately to leave the room, my friend tried to stop me knowing that was a bad idea and i punched him in the face. I was extremely covered in sweat afterward and utterly terrified for hours after. this place just seemed so real that it made sense to me that reality is no longer reality and that behind everything we do is this terrible dimension of truth.

    Mind you I am no longer terrified, I would just like to know what it all means or if anyone has a similar experience. The bad trip we believe was caused my heavy metal which started playing as the trip took course, also the lighting and being confined to a small space within a dorm room.

    Give me some word of advice GC:hello: (sorry for the long post)
  2. Eh Salvia can be weird like that. I would say it wasn't a very out of the ordinary experience until the punching of your friend in the face. That is pretty crazy lol.

    My only advice is to just not do Salvia. Stick with tryptamines. Much more profound and fun rather than just huh-what-the-fuck-was-that?

    PS: Yeah, heavy metal can be pretty crazy while tripping. Whenever someone plays it and I'm on acid I get all sorts of confused and fuck up whatever I was trying to do haha.
  3. I agree with that salvia alone isnt too bad although i cant give any personal experiences with 40 and 60x i can imagine them being quite intense. Then again mixing them with the acid is probably what caused the complete loss of reality. Two different hallucinations at the same time probably just really fucked with your head,
  4. I've had several friends have bad trips on salvia with similar experiences. My roommate thought the world had become poisoned and we all had to escape quickly into space or something, it's nothing out of the norm with salvia. I've stuck to only doing 10x and mixing it with weed every time to keep my trips under control, I've never had any bad trips doing this, but always feel the effects very strongly. I would say either stop doing salvia, or don't mix it with anything but weed or alcohol
  5. i have had a similar experience with salvia. i was shot off into another dimension which i cant remember much of. i remember one of my friends turned into a develish creature and something about being on a school bus. but as i was departing into the other dimension is was as if i was a book and the salvia was turning my pages and every turned page revealed a seperate dimension of time and space. as the page turning slowed i began to ease back into our dimension but i couldnt remember anything about it. it was as if i had lived in the other dimensions my hole life and i was just visiting this one for the first time, everythin was new and confusing to me. i couldnt comprehend the idea that i was with a group of friends and i couldnt figure out what these other beings were doing here. apparently at this stage of my trip i said "who are you guys?" and then they told me their names and then i said "no i know your names, but what do you call yourselves?" it was as if everything was completely alien to me. this trip has made me seriously question which reality is truly real or perhaps it is both. but as i was pulled into the other dimension i got the same feeling like all of my life had just been some sort of trick and nothing really matters.
  6. Um..sounds like salvia

    Its mind-blowing. Even more so than lsd at times
  7. I feel that were living a lie when Im high on marijuana, it makes sense if you think about it life now could be real or fake but we have no way of knowing you know?
  8. damn man this thread is bllowing my mind, maybe its the 10 hits of lsd but wow keep going
  9. I have had the same experiences

    When i exhaled the world or our reality started flickering and then i was in a new dimension or reality and everyone including me was fake, like a toy or doll. We were all being controlled by the beings in this other reality for there purposes.

    After coming back I had a feeling that my friends were playing a joke on me or something, i had a loathing of them for a while.

    The last time i was very pissed off at the beings of the other world for making me come back here, I felt like i was better off there or that i belonged

    All three trips toke me to the same place and it was as if I was escaping a confinement (my body and our reality) and They wanted me to go back.

    also i had the feeling of motion or being pushed through something plastic like, a friends said they thought this was the travel through the dimensions

    not sure if i will be doing salvia again soon, the trip was too real and serious.

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