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terrible tasting joint...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DIPSCHMIDT, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Last night i borrowed some of my friends 1 1/4 Zig Zags to see if I still had my roll game with me. Turns out I did, and I rolled two really nice, tight, medium-sized joints. I smoked the first one last night and it hit perfectly. Even burn and everything, but it tasted awful. I've been vaping lately, and I've gotten really used to that pleasant vape taste. I had to stop smoking it 4/5 through the joint because I was coughing and almost gagged because of the taste I was getting. All the joints I've seen people roll lately looks like they have thinner paper than the zig zag 1 1/4's, I'm thinking it's either that or the weed I used (Grape Ape, which I've been smoking for a while and through the vape it has a nice taste) which made it taste horrible. Should I try and get some thinner/flavored papers and see how that goes? I'd love to smoke more joints and what not, but if all joints I roll taste like this it's strictly vaping and bongs
  2. paper taste bad.
  3. Get grape flavoured paper to go with your grape ape. Oh, and when you've been vaping every time you get high for a bit, smoking can be a bit of an adjustment again.
  4. I know that when i roll joints, and i use bud that is already ground or shaky, it is also dried out. The dried out shakyy bud always tastes bad to me. Nothing beats moist straight off the bud and fresh ground and rolled then smoked immediately.
  5. ^^ Yeah agreed. Dried out weed tastes like poo when its rolled into a J.
    its gotta be fresh...ish.:smoke:
  6. Dried weed is better, not to dry though just burns better is all. Duno about the taste though mabey like somone said your just not used to it after vaping or mabey that was just a bad bit of weed:confused:

  7. This brah. I like sour apple rolling papers personally, but yeah it makes sense that you're getting spoiled with the vape. Joints are really an acquired taste, really. Zu-Bam Tokin! :bongin:

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