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--termtwo's family of glass-- (23 pics)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by termtwo, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. #1 termtwo, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    So i dont really get pieces often but wanted to post all of what i've got in one place. Pretty much half of these are my neighbor/roommate's but we smoke together almost every day or so so i included them. Tell me what you think!

    My Gear:

    First a quick clean:

    The RooR: 14" Forest Green label u.s. straight tube

    Signature: (By the way i soaked the roor in Grunge Off over two nights in a row and shook with iso and salt and can't get this scum off... any suggestions?)


    Double Bubbler: excuse the dirty glass :( (this thing is HEAVY :eek:)

    Roommates Gear:


    Need to fix this:


    Close-up of slide: (its actually pretty neat, when you smoke, smoke fills that chamber where the lizard guy is...)


    Showing off the cobalt:

    Finally a family shot of everything: 2 bongs, 3 slides, 2 pipes, 1 double bubbler, 1 grinder, and the hookah with some shisha in the background

    Hopefully some nice heady glass in the future after a nice summer job :rolleyes:

    EDIT: also guys what do u think about my photagraphy? I just have a little point and shoot but tried to make the pics a bit more interesting than just straight, badly lit shots.... what do ya think
  2. that cobalt spoon is dope.
    and i dig the dbl bubble too!

    nice stuff.
  3. Nice little family you got goin man, I like that forest green roor too :D. Take it easy man...wake and bake
  4. thanks guys,

    ya acid no bud makes me stay up all night... was up yesterday for 25 hours from the sole reason that i couldn't fall asleep lol...

    thanks again :D
  5. Nice, that RooR is a nice little rip for sure...
    Look at all that stuff from waterbeds. I know the hookah tobacco is at least. Haha.
  6. thanks man

    ya actually its funny everything there is from waterbeds EXCEPT for the hookah tobacco lol... i know they carry it there too but its kinda funny thats the only thing that wasnt bought at waterbeds haha (puff n stuff)

    ive found they pretty much carry quality prodo pieces (oxymoron?) if that makes any sense at the waterbeds by me... there thick and good quality, but still prodo nonetheless. plus a few roors every now and then :D but nothing heady :mad:

    thanks again man
  7. know a days only 24 hours right...?
    lmao, anyways, dude that cobalt spoon is fresh as fuck. wish i had one. i'm buying a new spoon soon. my old one broke. damn concrete.:D
  8. Quite the collection, loving the RooR. Bummer about the chip on the other bong, happened to a friends bong and it's never been the same since.

  9. lol i was up at 7am for an exam at 8am yesterday, didnt go to bed until 8am today... woke up today at noon for an exam at 2pm ;)

    ya hes just got to get a new downstem but we never use that anymore since i got my roor...

    thanks guys
  10. Wow that is a cool collection, I would want to chill on that hookah and hit some bongs.

    Cleaning glass is like watching the rebirth of a Phoenix. I love it.
  11. very nice collection!
  12. nice family. the best thing i would say about that scum is just let it sit in the iso for a long time lol. maybe try and find something you can bend up there with a cottotn ball on the end. and those are some good pictures nice photography rep+

  13. lol nice analogy! and thanks!


    thanks man ya ive let GO sit in there for 2 days straight i think i gotta find a way to wipe the inside out... i wonder if they make a pipe cleaner the size of the bore of my tube lol :D jk

    thanks again
  14. #14 666andrew, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    deff got a nice family there. bet you guys use the roor the most.

    also i have a ???. do those freezeable bowls make a difference at all? (you know cool the smoke or make a bowl last longer by making it cold so it goes out right after a rip??)

  15. ya know i never tried actually putting it in the freezer/fridge so sorry but i dont know???
    i know you can freeze them we just never worry about it...

    when i get more bud ill try it and let ya know!

    thanks man
  16. bump a dump bump
  17. Me and my brother had the same problem with the scum but we found out if you leave salt and alcohol in there for a few hours, it will create this white foam mixture. And you just swish it around on the scum and it came right off. I think we put a lot of salt in because we had to keep washing it out with water but its perfect now.

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