[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg9ooaozu-8"]YouTube - Terminator Salvation - Official Trailer [HD][/ame] Epic? I have a feeling it might be...
New trailer. I think this will indeed save the franchise. About time. This is a story arc with so much potential, but has been destroyed by hollywood's commercial machine. Finally a good writer was put to the task. Anyways, check it out and judge for yourself. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PikCLKj0260&feature=related"]YouTube - NEW Terminator Salvation (2009) - Trailer #3 [HD QUALITY][/ame]
Gotta admit I had written this series off, might be worth a look. Science Fiction is the eternal goldmine for good movies if executed properly
Of course. This should be a great movie, one that I've been waiting for for some time. It also comes out 9 days after I graduate... could be a celebratory theater visit.
Looks like its going to be badass. To bad arnold isn't going to be in it, They should have atleast had a small apperance for him, Its going to be good it just won't be the same ARNOLD STOP GOVERNATING AND START TERMINATING
I think Arnold absolutely DESTROYED any artistic investment he had in the franchise with that disgusting peice of shit titled "Terminator 3" I STILL want my money back for that.
Well then shouldn't you be a little worried that they brought back the two writers from Terminator 3 for this one? No one knows how much of the script Jonathan Nolan actually wrote, probably just simple rewrites, and well Paul Haggis is a hack, even when he's only allowed to trim and replace dialogue. Then there's the simple fact that McG is directing. But I will agree that Christian Bale playing John Connor is an exciting prospect... Have you watched Chronicles of Sarah Conner, Spade? I only saw the first season on DVD but as a devout Terminator fan I have to say that it was pretty good (maybe that's just my crush on Summer Glau talking though)
holy shit this movie looks awesome i knew when i saw bale was gonna be in it it wasnt gonna be no bullshit
Looks like it will be worth going to see, I'm not a fan of Bale, but he's a damn good actor. I'm kinda diggin' on her too, the show is actualy pretty good.