Terence McKenna and Timothy Leary

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TheJourney, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. #21 Degrassmann, May 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2012
    .... *slaps forehead* Nah dude. You haven't been where I've been, you don't understand what I've learned and experienced. From the sounds of it you haven't come close.

    I don't doubt you have tripped and experienced whatever you did, as I can see you've only had mild experiences and not much knowledge/insight gained from them.

    All states of mind and thoughts are a fine line. No one knows what is right and wrong, no one. There is no such thing, there is only different. You could be misunderstanding life all along, and then understand life on psychedelics.

    Believing in some made up people or stories has nothing to do with the endless insight and knowledge you can gain from psychedelics. I melt when I hear people say "drugs" as if psychedelics are just another chemical to dumb you down and close your mind.. they are the complete opposite. They evolve you, elevate all your senses, rate of thinking, and everything else I said above. The things I've learned and experienced on shrooms mainly changed me for life, all for the better, I wouldnt be this person without those experiences, Id still be a close minded fool who only cared about materialism, fame and fortune. Psychedelics made me truly understand life.
  2. Let me say that if you approach consciousness expanding chemicals as if they are "just drugs" that will "get you high," that will be your experience.through increasing "speed" of mental activity, or range of signals picked up, the brain becomes more efficient at projecting itself, thus expectations and beliefs come to fruition
  3. Cool stories bros, but I have no need to continue conversations with closed-minded people.

    Glad to know SOMEBODY out there has the secrets of life figured out though. Congrats to Degrassman and TheJourney of GrassCity forums for this achievement.

  4. Lol :poke:
  5. #25 midnittoke, May 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2012
    Most people who use psychedelics for fun are less keen on the symbols and patterns that are present during the trip. Everything present during a trip is a projection of the mind. When you realize these symbols and pattern are what make up your sober reality, you can began to sense them and begin to alter the patterns and thusly altering your sense of self and reality. Those that believe psychedelics are "drugs" to get you high have no underlying concept of their chemical structure and similarity to naturally occurring chemicals in the brain. Psilocin and DMT are so structurally similar to serotonin its not even funny that they are viewed as drugs. In a easy to relate scenario: when stretching you can only stretch so far. Many athletes have others push their legs or arms beyond what they can do themselves to get loose and limber. I believe psychedelics do the same thing for the mind. With proper use and control they can be used to expand the mind far beyond what we can in sobriety. In contrast they can be over done and harmful to someones mental health. Psychedelics paired with meditation, intention of use, and of course set and setting, they can be powerful tools to see the patterns that your mind uses to create yourself and the world around you. I personally think that many people (not everyone) should try psychedelics before judging it as just "being high".

    - I like some of what Leary wrote, but I digress, I believe he went too far and was more of a self proclaimed prophet. Psychedelics arent for everyone and the whole population should definitely not be dropping acid.. Those that yearn for the experiences of the world should have that option though. I like McKenna much more along with HUxley and Watts. I identified much more with their works and beliefs on the mind, reality, and mind expanding substances.
  6. By the way I've never said psychedelics don't change your perception of reality, for good or bad, all I'm saying is that everything in life changes your perception of reality. The problem with psychedelics is it leads people to believe it is the end all be all of existence, rather than just another piece.

  7. They are far from the end all be all of existence. They are however very useful tools to understanding what reality is in your daily life by altering your perspective for a couple hours. Sooo much knowledge about yourself and life can be had by using them to better understand yourself and what makes you, you.

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