Hello everyone! I am planning my next upgrade and this time it is going to be the size. I have been debating if i should build a box or get a tent. I have been looking at the tents that are 4x4x6.5 and around that size. I would be running a 600W cool'd system with scrubbers and such. I have thought about building a box but then it wouldn't be very portable and tend to be bulky. But... With a box i would think i can control the climate better. I have never used a tent and looking for those of you who have used them or know a little bit about them. Any thoughts concerns or discussions are welcome. Thanks everyone! Lets help me get this going so i can get more journals up!
I read a post recently that seemed like a pretty good idea at the time. The poster said they built a frame out of 2x4s and stretched Panda film around it to make a diy tent. I can't remember who posted it but if I find it again I will give them credit. Not trying to steal anyone's ideas here...
yeah that could work... I have been doing some deep thinking on tents and i would think they could get rid of heat better than a plywood box. Any thoughts on this?