I also created this thread to maybe share ideas and have y'all post your own man cave. I'm sick of just having a room I sleep in. So I live in a very rural wooded area on a private lake. I have a full size pickup a trailer and a full array of power tools, plumbing tools, contractors tools, etc.. so I know I have the resources for this. So I've been brainstorming...I recently took a trip to the high sierra camps. Numerous tent cabins even in Yosemite Valley. I want to make about a 250 to 300 square foot cabin with a front covered porch and in the back, a dock for a small canoe and a platform for fishing trout and bass. I only catch and release the bluegill. Perhaps a wrap around deck would be cool. It would be A framed on a platform, whether rock or cement. Just like my parents house. As to the inside, I'll put in a full size bed with warm blankets for summer and a sleeping bag for winter. For heating, it gets in the teenage degrees here so I'll put in a wood burning stove with plywood sheets for insulation. A cast iron cookset and the heater itself would be my kitchen. I'll put in a small shelve unit for flour, oils, salt, spices, beans, rice,foil, hookah coals, cutlery and cleaning items, just the basics lol. Beer and Monster will be chilled in the cooler in the shallows of the water. For entertainment, just my old desktop and a HDTV with movies and an FM radio with the country stations works for me. I'll run power lines so not a big deal. But I will have a table with stuff for an average sesh alone or with the buddies. Papers, bong, hookah set, wraps, my collection of lighters I got in my travels, etc.. Either way I want this place to look rustic like early 1900s gold miners (just a few modern things like a mattress not made of pine needles) added. I've always loved the history of the area I live in. Maybe I'm just way too high or this is a pretty good idea for a man cave. So..anyone else ever did something like this? And feel free to share ideas and post pics of your cave!
I also forgot to add I wouldn't be living in this. It would be more of a retreat. This is a stock photo of one. And my face if I fuck up