temperature too cold?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hitman7594, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. i got my box and its at 66 degrees is that too cold?

  2. with lights off thats a fine temperature!;)
  3. thats with lights on and i just put my germinated seeds into soil and their in there right now
  4. what light sdo you use? cfl's? could ya not add a few more in there?
  5. i have them in a computer case and i have 3 26 watt 65ook cfls in there with 2 computer fans and three little pots my goal is to narrow it down to one
  6. i know ya space is limited, but 1 more may boost it by at least 5 degrees, that'd be nice, at around 71 mark... tbh youd need another 2 in there for primo wattage/lumens conditions!
  7. yea well this box is just my starter box so my question is with these conditions will my germinated seeds grow?
  8. #8 Basementninja, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I think you should be fine...maybe you could unplug the intake and just go w/ the exhaust and keep an eye on the temps, see if it raises a few degrees.
    err...you mentioned two fans, so i assumed one was exhaust...sorry

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