what temp do you like your bong water to be. i used to do cold water but then i put hot water in it and the steam makes the hit super smooth. anyone else done this whats your opinion
Warm steaming water, as hot as it comes out of the tap. One day I will get around to trying boiling water. Use to use cold water and ice, did not care for the "hit". warm water is the only way to go! IMO
I only sometimes use hot water when I'm vaping thru my bub or bong. I think that when you use hot water when smoking makes it harsher. I like using cool water. I never use ice because it messes with water levels when it melts.
Well, winter has provided me with bountiful amounts of snow.. So, I'm going to say freezing cold/ snow is currently my prefered temp haha.
Warm in the winter, cold in the summer. I just leave my bongs in the fridge ready to go during summer, it's nice to take a fat cold rip after coming in from 100+ degree weather.