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Telling the Difference between Indica strain and Sativa Strain

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nick93, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. I'm not completely sure how, But I head Sativa gives more of a "head" high and Indica gives more of a "body" high, I somewhat understand what this means, but which strain is overall the best? and how can you tell the difference in smoking it? I know the difference in the actual plant, but not in the bud.
  2. mind racing heart pounding, mabye a little jittery, everything seems 10x better = sativia or a head high.

    Mind a little slower, warm pulses of energy through your body, very very relaxed, bodyfeels heavy yet very pleasant = indica or a body high.

    I also have noticed that sativa bud is usually a little harsher(could be purely coincidence).
  3. Unless you grew the bud yourself the easiest way to differentiate is to smoke it and sativa will give you tons of energy, you will want to go out and do all kinds of crazy things. Indica will make you drowsy relatively quickly after you smoke it, all you will want to do is get some food sit on a couch and watch t.v. That is if you like sitting in your house and wasting your life away high on marijuana, lol. If you smoke some bud and your kind of in the middle, meaning your not that tired but you don't want to do anything extremely strenuous, you most likely have a hybrid on your hands, this is just a cross between sativa genetics and indica genetics.

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