I'm posting this urging you all to contact your local representative and ask them to co-sponsor HR 2306. I understand the bill is considered "dead" but its not. Its awaiting a hearing and it needs more force and co-sponsors to put pressure on the committee that is denying it. You can track the bill here; H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011 - GovTrack.us The bill already has 20 co-sponsors. So check to see if your representative is on that list before emailing them. Here is the website to contact your representative. Go to https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml Its really as simple as sending them an email asking them to support HR 2306 and briefly explain why you think they should. Lets keep it clean and respectful though. When I emailed my representative I also included a few links to marijuana statistics and the study commissioned by Nixon. If you want you could call them or write them a personal letter. Emails are faster and easier, though I think phone calls are more effective then any of the three. Grasscity has nearly 500,000 members with 75,000 active members. We all have the same interest at heart I assume. Lets tap into this force and let our government know that we have not forgotten the bill HR 2306 and that we want federal legalization. This will seriously take about 5 minutes, if that. After you contact your representative post here to let us know. Edit: Also you can go to http://hr2306.org/ and in the top left corner sign the HR2306 petition. It already has 29000 signatures. I'd like to see that go up to 100,000 at the least.