tell me what you think

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by skimFL, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. alright so im chillen with two good friends right now, but there off smoking kinda not lettin me hit it that much, like gettin me high but not like HIGH.. normally i wouldnt care its their weed ya know.. but lets say i smoked about a half oz of some okayish bud with em, then another day rolled up another half 8th of some good ass dank with em.. and then they both split an 8th and will smoke it with me everynow and then in a glass one hitter thing, then slide away smoke by themselves and come back and chill.. dont get me wrong there cool to hang out with and there my friends, and i know they got reasons for stuff they do.. and they are lettin me stay at there house 3 to 4 days a week for classes.. but i also help with their dishes, buy my own food, pay gas money, and clean up..

    so what do you think am i being a weed phiend, or they just kinda being stingy.. were all pretty broke, but when im with them smoking id never slide away and smoke to myself lol, if i were gonna smoke id get everyone in the room blazed
  2. idk man whenever i got bud i always blaze people down but thats just me i know lots of people that are like your friends...i understand if you dont want to blaze with someone but idk about sliding off like that then coming back clearly baked thats kinda rubbin it in your face
  3. Yeah man, I mean i wouldnt say that they are "wrong" for dipping out on you, but it is selfish and kinda fucked up. Hey i say get your own and blaze by yourself.
  4. Try "sliding away" one time to see what happens. If they bitch, call 'em out.
  5. man this always happens to me and i don't get it. When i get a sack i'll walk through the whole house and gather everyone up to smoke lol. With my friends if there's a stash it's everyones since we all pay for bags in rotation
  6. yeah like i like to get the people around me blazed so we can all be ripped and enjoy it

    haha i need to get some, the reason i dont have any is cause i smoke them up fat

    i may do this next time
    right on, if everyones high, it just has a better vibe

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