tell me what you think of these photos

Discussion in 'General' started by sodomizedjello, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]




    how do they make you feel?
  2. intrepid
  3. the Ant-eater tasting the bud, reminds me of a person trying the bud for the first time. With a sense of amazement. :)

    I love great photography. :)
  4. hey its one of those thc bugs smoke it!
    lol great pix man
    that bug made me laugh
  5. Holy fucking shit, that made me laugh SO hard. I kinda read it outloud in my mind(lol) and the way my mind read it sounded funny. lmfao, this post sounds funny as shit, im baked and it's hard ot explain:smoking:

    Must Spread some around....
  6. dude that fucking shit fucker is on your weed get it off ahhhh what a waste just open its guts like one of those thc bugs trust me its safe
  7. I'd like to see the ant eater doing a line of coke... :p
  8. Tey make me feel all warm inside, yet slightly confused.
  9. funny bunny, post more
  10. i like how from ant eater pic. 1 to pic. 2 the bud got smaller :)

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