Tell me if this is as messed up as it seems.

Discussion in 'General' started by ashadeofgreen, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. #1 ashadeofgreen, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Some kid from one of my classes gives me a gram of decent mids last night, and since he doesn't want to smoke any, I hit up my guy friend. He and I both had a mutual interested in each other -- in fact, we had discussed dating again not only a week before, and he told me he didn't want to commit until he was done with the production he was in. We also have a really long history (dated 3 years ago for a long time, lost my virginity to him, whatever) and have been close forEVER.

    I hit him up to smoke, he's down. I head on over there. A friend of his is over at his place, a girl he was in that production with. She's all over him, he's all over her, it's disgusting. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Needless to say, after toking a few I peace out but talk to him first. He says he "just doesn't have time for me anymore".

    How fucked up is that? I smoke the asshole out and he's all over some girl in front of me the entire time. Never once thanks me for the weed. Pretty much the only time he says a thing to me is when I'm passing the bowl to him.

    :mad::mad::mad::mad: This shit TOTALLY ruined my high and just kept me MAD the entire night.

  2. Thanks.

    Fuck off, if thats your opinion on guys you deserve to be played by every one of them.
  3. whoa. holy highschool bullshit.
  4. i spent the OP'S whooooooole post, trying to figure out if hes gay

    g1rlz have 1n73rne7zzz zzz/!?!?!?!?!111111oneeee!!!ONEEEESON!!!!!H
  5. High school dramaz.

    But yea that guy is a douche, seems like he wants some pussay
  6. Sounds like he knows how to play the game
  7. Dude... get a girlfriend.

    EDIT: After wondering if the OP is gay I decided that he must be a she, I didn't read the details because... guys don't read details, and guys don't post details.

  8. nice batman and robin reference!
  9. yeah, I would be pissed.
    but, whatever. you can't change the fact that he's an asshole, so why waste time/energy being mad about it? :)
  10. It's fucked up. Now you need to call him over to your house to smoke and do the same thing back.

    Oh and make sure its oregano not weed.
  11. You guys realize that there are girls on this board, right?

    Yeah that would be like the most awkward sesh ever

    "I didn't interrupt anything right? Alright let's break out the weed"

  12. I wonder what the ratio is?
  13. Sure it's fucked up but there weren't any ties that make him have to be with you. And how did you smoke out 4 people on 1 gram?
  14. High school.
  15. :laughing: Gawd that gave me the chuckles for a while.
  16. 100:5

    If GC was an actual place, on an actual island, I wonder what would happen...

    The men with the biggest stashes would score the wenches, and everyone else turns gay?
  17. No problem for me as I would genetically alter my cell structure to reproduce via mitosis:D
  18. only if wackin it is gay.:wave:
  19. Eventually wouldn't you want the flesh of another man's anus?

    Temptation is inevitable.
  20. See if this topic wasn't on the internet I'd probably see a mature discusion going on, instead because it's on the internet, we have what we have here... :laughing:

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