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Tell me if I am right in opposing this

Discussion in 'General' started by e_to_the_x, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. So my fraternity is doing their homecoming float, and the theme for this homecoming is "Heroes". We wanted to do a whole "Unspoken Heroes" theme where we talk about the common people, like workers, firefighters, etc who help make this city what it is. Sounds really pro-labor and a littl ebit left wing to me, but whatever, I can dig.

    Now we were drafting up a list of what sort of heroes we could have on the float and someone suggested the police. As a marijuana smoker and a socially aware guy in general, I'm not a big fan of the police (to put it nicely). As fellow marijuana enthusiasts, I don't think I need to list the reasons (and it's more than just drugs) that I dislike cops. Racism, drug laws, and enforcing a generally corrupt system are the first few that come to mind.

    When I said that, some people looked at me like I was crazy and stuff.

    So would I be appropriate in vocalizing my opposition to glorifying the cops as heroes, or am I just being a dick?
  2. #2 stoner_lukas, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    You're certainly just being a dick.

    Remove your passion for marijuana from the situation for a minute. Do cops do a lot of good? Certainly. Are they a useful part of society? Absolutely.

    You can't call the whole police force "bad" just because you don't like the federal and state laws regarding marijuana. All they do is enforce the laws, not make them. You also can't call the whole police force "bad" because there are some cops who go well outside their power.

    A few bad apples doesn't spoil the whole batch.

    Edit to add: I only used the word "dick" because OP used it in his post. I was just answering his question in the strictest sense. I don't think he's a dick because of his opinion, of course, but I do think he isn't seeing the big picture.
  3. The cops enforce the law, they don't make them, though im not saying they all nice or anything. I've met cops that are complete dicks and some that are actually pretty nice...

    They do risk there lives everyday with violent criminals so I would have to say they are a common hero.
  4. You may not be trying to be a dick, but you are coming off as a dick.
  5. There are more reasons that just marijuana. Racism runs rampant in the police force, that's a fact. Certainly not all cops are racist but when year after year multilpe incidents of racism appear and they all happen to be cops, that has to tell you something. I don't know just something about a preson who would take a job that involves willingly throw an otherwise innocent person into jail, or at the very least heavily fining them in addition to all the social stigma that is involved in being associated with criminals, makes me not respect those people very much.
  6. I don't really have a strong opinion on this. I think you're overreacting a bit, but hey, "I can dig."

    If you really want to get the cops off the float, I think you need to change your approach. If the theme of your float is "Unspoken Heroes," then why would you go with the most cliche forms of heroes possible? Cops, firefighters, soldiers, etc... those are what most people think of when they think of a hero.

    Argue that in order to be truly unique, your frat should go with things that people might not expect: Peace Corps. workers, people who adopt, teachers, social workers, or whatever. Those might not be the best examples, but you get the idea.

    Or, if you wanted to be humorous, you could be like those Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" ads and have hot dog vendors and shit.

    There are ways of getting you want, you just need to be creative.
  7. Police officers are heroes. Just for the fact that they risk their lives to keep us safe.

    I believe it would be much safer if the war on drugs stopped but whatever its not their call.
  8. I wouldn't call police officers heroes...Sure they're needed to keep a society stable and safer, but they aren't heroes.
  9. /thread
  10. the only way to make some change or let people know what you feel is a wrong or a bad idea is to voice ur opinion. if u still get shot down then fine, at least u tried, but maybe someone else agrees? or maybe they'll just do firefighters instead. dont make a big deal about it but u have every right to at least voice your opinion.
  11. #11 racoon123, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    dude you are not wrong or a dick

    my money is paying for cops through stealing (taxation) to provide i service i do not want or consent for. that isnt moral by any means.

    this is beyond just marijuana laws, what they do is not right. and more often than not, theyre just causing people unwarranted hurt or they are out seeking problems. they need to leave people the fuck alone and give me their paychecks.

    also, the argument 'they enforce laws they dont make them' is bullshit. they choose to do what they do, and they know very well what it involves.
  12. #12 TheDankery, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    I agree with you a little, but I have to say you're probably over-doing it.
    You're probably the only guy in your fraternity that would actually think about this for more than a second, that is if your fraternity is like any of the other ones I know.

    But prepare to get flamed for your opinion here dude.

    I got to say, if you're against police officers being included in the float - it reminds me of the Millgram experiments in a way. A Police officer is merely in the one of the 9 out of 10 people who would press a button and cause harm to another person if a man in a proverbial or literal labcoat told them to. Most of us would do the same. They are merely the big men enforcing the law. They are not the biggest men telling the big men to push a button - you know what I'm sayin'? Your concern is with law-makers, and while I dislike law enforcement - they are just carrying out the will of our horrid law-makers.
  13. I don't think you're being a dick. Everyone has their own opinion of what's considered heroic.
  14. Police officers are heroes. Firefighters are heroes. Teachers are heroes. You're a stupid stoner with a petty grudge, trying to find someone to blame. Sure, you see stories in the news about bad cops. Not all of them are perfect. But you can't blame the police officers that marijuana is illegal, because they ARE heroes. It's true they bust people for weed which may seem dumb, but they also protect you and I ever day.

    Anyone who is petty enough to hate on cops because they like weed needs to grow the fuck up.
  15. You're overreacting. Some sort of police force is a staple of every society with a system of rules or laws. It's natural that the group that enforces the law is generally disliked by those who oppose the law. It all boils down to the old cliché, don't shoot the messenger. The cops don't make the law, they just enforce it. If you really want to hate someone for making law, you need to look higher than the police force.

    Police, Firefighters, Armed Forces, Paramedics, Doctors, they're all heroes regardless of what a couple stoners think.
  16. Fuck you guy's calling him a dick. Your correcting his opinion. I think you should just speak what you believe despite your "frat brothers" looking at you like your crazy.

    You know how many innocent people cops hurt, while providing the great protection you guys all seem to defend? Where's that website posted a while back with all the innocent deaths...
  17. You know how many people get hurt in the streets every day?

    Chalk it up to the human condition. There are assholes in every walk of life. Police are no exception. Don't lump the hero officers in with the cowards, please.
  18. You should wear a undershirt with "Fuck the police" on it, and halfway through the parade, unveil that shit.

    For all you uptight, cop ass kissers on the site, just kidding.

  19. But most cops are complacent with the law. It's like accessory to marijuana prohibition. If it where up to me, that would be a charge.
  20. Although I think you're being a dick, if it's something you feel strongly about, then don't participate. Otherwise, that makes you a dick and a hypocrite.

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